Silver City, NM; July 20, 2016 - The Black Range Complex Fires on the Black Range Ranger District consist of four fires: the Kline and Cooney Fires started July 8, the Corduroy Fire on July 17, and the Boiler Fire on July 18. These lightning-caused fires are located in the Black Range Mountains, 65 miles northwest of Truth or Consequences, NM. As these fires burn, pre-determined management areas have been designated for fire management. The Black Range Complex Fires are currently 10% contained. There are currently 118 fire personnel assigned.
Yesterday, Cooney Fire personnel finished preparation along CR 21 and continued preparations along CR 23 to Double Springs Ranch. Personnel on the Kline Fire continued fire line preparations on FR 46 into Turkey Creek and scouting unburned fuels along the western perimeter of the fire. The Boiler Fire remained in monitoring status awaiting management action decision.

Black Range Complex Management made a decision to take suppression action on the Corduroy Fire and is now in containment status.

Today, Cooney Fire personnel will continue monitoring the fire and scout Trail No. 53 (Yellow Trail). Kline Fire personnel will continue with fire line preparations along FR 46. Boiler Fire personnel will monitor until a management action decision has been reached. Fire personnel will continue fire suppression tactics on the Corduroy fire.

The extended weather forecast for the Black Range Complex Fires indicate isolated to scattered showers and thunderstorms will continue each afternoon and early evening for the next few days. Smoke conditions will be visible only within close proximity to fire perimeters.

A temporary Area Closure Order has been issued for the vicinity of the Black Range Complex Fires. All National Forest System lands, roads, and trails within the closure area are closed to public use. Road closures and trails include: Highway 59, south and east of County Road 21 and 23 to Double Springs, east of Yellow Springs Trail (Trail No. 53), north of Greenfly Trail (Trail No. 26), and west of FR 150. This area includes Wolf Hollow Campground, the trail, and the Gravel Pit area on FR 4064T. This also includes the area of the Continental Divide Trail between the junction of FR 220A and Highway 59. Please detour west along FR 226A north on FR 226 to re-enter the CDT at Highway 59.

For more information, please contact the Fire Information Line at: (575) 772-5747 from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. located at the Incident Command Post at Beaverhead Work Center or visit the New Mexico Fire Information website at; and Also, you can find additional information at, and Twitter: @gilanforest.