The Grant County Parks and Recreation Committee at its regular meeting on the first Wednesday of the month at 11 a.m. took no action on agenda items, because a quorum was not present.

Commissioner Gabriel Ramos, chairman of the committee, told the Beat prior to the meeting, that the policy of county employees having a fringe benefit of paying a 90 percent discounted rate on rental fees for county-owned facilities has been policy for about five years. "That's why we're putting into policy."

"We are meeting some resistance on rental rates," Ramos said. "I have had three calls and one visitor, all opposed. However, all county employees I have spoken to are supportive of the policy.

"You haven't had a raise in three years," Ramos said to the three other county employees present at the meeting. They were County Clerk Robert Zamarripa, Senior Services Director Terry Trujillo and Tisha Moyer, standing in for Public Works Department Director, Justin Reese, who was attending a training session in El Paso, Texas.

Other members not in attendance were citizens, Arlin Lazere, Huetotl Lopez, Ron Sierra, and Extension County Service Agent Pete Walden.

Ramos read out the revised rates for various facilities. The proposed rental rates for the front hall of the County Business and Conference Center would be raised to $200 for a half day, and $400 for a full day. The same rates apply to the back hall. Deposits for use of the facility will increase to $250. The use of the entire facility for the whole day remains at $1,500, with an increased deposit of $750.

Language about fire inspections and other fire policy, such as no blocking of exits, was taken from a city of Deming policy.

Because the facility at Bataan Memorial Park has been upgraded with heating and cooling, the rates are recommended to be increases to $400 for the whole day, with a $200 deposit. The Concession Stand will rent for $125 a day, with a $125 deposit.

"In my opinion, we need a discount as a fringe benefit to employees," Ramos reiterated.

Zamarripa pointed out that employees still must pay the full deposit.

"I think we have more discourse with a county employee," Zamarripa said. "We are held to a higher standard."

Perhaps put into policy that if an employee does something bad to the facility, he or she may not be able to rent it for a while, he suggested.

Ramos said that county employees have fringe benefits, such as retirement, and this would be another benefit.

"I think there should be a discount, but I don't know how much," Ramos said.

"That's the end of the agenda, and, with no quorum, we cannot take action," Ramos said.

"When we have a quorum, we should put in policy that if a member misses three consecutive meetings, they are out and we will replace them," Ramos continued.

It was suggested that an evening meeting might allow working people to be in attendance.

The committee regularly meets on the first and third Wednesdays at 11 a.m. The next meeting will take place at 11 a.m. Wednesday, Nov. 16.