Domestic Violence Awareness Month Proclamation Reading

Friday, October 7th, 2011 at El Refugio, Inc.

9:00-10:30 am


For Domestic Violence Awareness Month October 2011

WHEREAS, home should be a place of warmth, unconditional love, tranquility, and security. Tragically, for many Americans, these are blessings that are tarnished by violence and fear. Domestic Violence touches the lives of Americans of all ages, leaving a devastating impact on women, men and children of every background and circumstance. A family's home becomes a place of fear, hopelessness, and desperation when a woman is battered by her partner, a child witnesses the abuse of a loved one, or a senior is victimized by family members.

WHEREAS, according to the Department of Justice, approximately 95% of the victims of domestic violence are women. Nationally, 4,000,000 women a year are assaulted by their partners. Every day at least four women are murdered by boyfriends or husbands and in New Mexico, 1 in 4 adults will be victims of intimate partner Domestic Violence in their lifetime (Survey of Violence Victimization, February 2011).

For 2010, the domestic violence report, DV Trends in New Mexico, 2005-2009 data shows there was an average of 22,885 case of domestic violence a year reported to statewide law enforcement agencies. For 2009, 20,050 domestic violence incidents were reported which represent a 29% decrease from the number reported in 2005 (28,256). This is great news! The combination of statewide prevention, investigation and prosecution efforts are working. There is evidence that more domestic violence victims are aware of services and are seeking those services. While these are important trends, domestic violence is a way of life for many and the cycle continues day-to-day and life-to-life when children see their parents abuse each other or are themselves abused in the home. Domestic violence is often hidden and goes under-reported in rural, isolated areas, yet El Refugio's reports the following for 2010: Victim Advocacy Department provided services to 199 adult victims of domestic violence; 246 domestic violence crisis calls; Counseling services supported 14 victims of sexual assault (7 adult/7 children); 75-(adults), 54 (children) and 2 (teens) for victims of domestic violence. El Refugio emergency shelter services provided 5,470 meals and served a total of 3,794 nights to 56 women and 64 children (July 2010-June 2011)

WHEREAS, in 1994 passage of the landmark-Violence Against Women Act, championed by then Senator Joe Biden, our Nation has strengthened its response to this crime and increased services for victims. We must continue our efforts to prevent and respond to domestic violence as we mourn those who have died because of domestic violence, celebrate those who have survived and connect those who work to end violence at the local, state and national levels.

WHEREAS, the Grant County Coordinated Community Response to Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault is a coalition of organizations and individuals working together to respond to and prevent domestic violence, increase understanding of the patterns of unhealthy relationships, awareness of services, work towards justice and healing in our community. We see these efforts as important steps in creating an environment where domestic violence and sexual assault is no longer tolerated.

NOW THEREFORE, We, the Grant County Board of Commissioners, hereby proclaim the month of October, 2011 as Domestic Violence Awareness Month and urge all citizens to observe this month by becoming aware of the tragedy of domestic violence, supporting those who are working toward its end, make a personal commitment to be "A Voice, Advocate and Peacemaker Against Violence" and to participate in community efforts to end violence.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, We, set our hands and caused the official seal of Grant County to be affixed this day of September, 2011.

Grant County Board of Commissioners