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By Charlie McKee

Photo: Silhouettes of September's murdered victims of domestic violence stood at the front door of El Refugio. (additional photos will be posted to Photo Essaay.) Photos by Charlie McKee

A silent sentry of Silhouettes of September's murdered victims of domestic violence guarded the door to the entrance of El Refugio as guests entered the women's and children's shelter on Friday morning to raise awareness of domestic violence in Grant County.

Maria Morales-Loebl, Executive Director of El Refugio, was mistress of ceremonies to the event, which included the reading of the County of Grant Proclamation for Domestic Violence Awareness Month, October 2011. Loebl and the staff of El Refugio emphasized the "Focus on Peace" message throughout the ceremony, encouraging everyone to make a Peace Pledge by thinking of what he or she can do to create a difference in his or her own individual communities and therefore the nation and the world. El Refugio also honored its partners in the community who protect and support the victims of domestic violence in Grant County: Gila Regional Mecical Center, Grant County Sheriff's Department, Sexual Assault Awareness Servies and Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner, White Elephant, Single Socks, The Volunteer Center, and the Girl Scouts of the Desert Southwest.

El Refugio's Silent Gallery of the stories of victims who were murdered in domestic violence cases covered the walls of the room, while the Poets of Peace - Bonnie Maldonado, Elise Stewart, and Sandtina Melendrez reading for her daughter Dannika - read their tributes. Musical Poets of Peace also performed: Shoshona Estevez, Erica Randolph, and Brandon Perrault.

Over the past year, El Refugio responded to 246 domestic violence crisis calls, provided services to 199 adult victims of domestic violence, and protected 56 women and 64 children through its emergency shelter services.