Silver City, NM The Silver City Ranger District, Gila National Forest, has tentatively scheduled the 2,036 acre Farm Flats Prescribed Fire to start November 28th and continue for a two-week period. Start date of the prescribed fire and its duration could change depending upon weather and fuel conditions. Location of the prescribed fire is 12 miles north of Silver City.

The objective of this prescribed fire that is planned during the autumn is to remove dead and down woody (logs, branches, pine needles) materials under cooler conditions, reducing the chances of a hotter, more destructive wildfire during the heat of the summer.

If driving in the area of the prescribed fire, please exercise caution due to fire personnel and vehicles working near or on Forest Road 282 (Sheep Corral), and Forest Road 4083V (Snow Creek). Smoke from the prescribed fire will be present in these areas and could impact visibility along N.M. Highway 15 and 35. For safety purposes, reduce speed, be alert to other vehicle traffic and bicylists travelling along the roads and highway, and drive with vehicle lights on.

For further information on the prescribed fire, please contact Randy Gomez, Silver City District Fire Management Officer at 575.388.8461.