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Photo: Colorful hand-spun yard is available for sale. (More photos will be posted to Photo Essay page)
The Silver City Fiber Arts Festival continues from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 12.

Demonstrations can be seen throughout the Grant County Business and Conference Center. In addition to many items for sale that are made out of fiber, fiber art in quilts, weavings and rugs are on view and some are on sale. Raffle and door prize tickets allow lucky winners to go home with a variety of items.

Colors and textures abound throughout the festival. Classes are also being held.

The festival is drawing not only local fiber artists, but people from throughout the region.

According to one report, by noon, more than 150 people had already visited the festival. A steady stream of visitors were perusing the wares and viewing the art.