Weekend at the Galleries, WNMU Homecoming and presidential inauguration - this weekend is one of the busiest of the year, and it all begins this Friday night with this month's First Fridays Downtown.

The Mimbres Region Arts Council will begin its annual Weekend at the Galleries event with a reception at the Seedboat Center for the Arts on Yankie street from 5 to 8 pm. The reception will include a wine and beer tasting with appetizers and the "When Pigs Fly" art sale with proceeds benefiting the Arts Council. Tickets are $12 at mimbresarts.org or the MRAC office.

The Roadrunners will perform for this month's First Fridays street dance on Market street between Bullard and Texas streets. The dance will be later than usual, 7 to 10 pm, so attendees can enjoy both the dance and the Weekend at the Galleries reception. Mexican and Italian food vendors will be at the street dance for a quick bite to eat, or partygoers can opt for a sit-down dinner at one of downtown's restaurants.

"You can really make a great evening out of this one," said Nick Seibel, MainStreet manager. "Appetizers and art at the WAG reception, some shopping on your way to dinner, then the First Fridays street dance - we're looking forward to introducing the many visitors in town this weekend to our favorite monthly party."

The Silver City Museum will again host a variety of activities. Family storytelling with traditional tales, ghost stories and more will run from 5 to 7 pm in the courtyard along with games and activities. The third scheduled play reading of the New Mexico Ghost Play Cycle by Victoria Tester will be performed in the Museum Annex from 7 to 8 pm. This installment is entitled River Girl, and is intended for mature audiences. The museum will be open until 8 pm with four Centennial exhibits and a trunk show of Native American jewelry and crafts by guest artisans Many Nations.

Geisler Studio and Fenestra's Panes in the Glass on Kelly street will offer "First Fridaze." The studio will be open late for art browsing and a glass art demonstration.

"And for those want to sit back and relax, downtown merchants have you covered, too," Seibel said. "There are lots of food, drink and music options throughout downtown besides the street dance."

Among other offerings, Curious Kumquat will have its monthly wine tasting with seven wines for $10 and free appetizers and Shevek & Co. Restaurant will have a South American Wines Tasting with five wines for $8. Amos Torres will play "back porch blues" at Yankie Creek Coffee House and Diane's Parlor will also have live music.

"You won't want to miss being downtown this Friday," Seibel said, "and be sure to come back on Saturday to visit the galleries and watch the WNMU homecoming parade."

For more information, visit the MainStreet website at silvercitymainstreet.com.