The Grant County Commission members discussed a short agenda for Thursday's regular meeting and heard county reports.

A note to readers, the Thursday meeting time has changed and is set for 9 a.m. at the Grant County Administration Center.

Chairman Brett Kasten led off the meeting with the reading of the Purpose of the work session:

"The general purpose of the work session is to inform the Grant County Board of Commissioners of the agenda items that will be addressed at the next regular meeting, and for the department heads and other elected officials to communicate with the commissioners in regard to matters in the respective departments. In accordance with Grant County Resolution No. 11-01, we welcome the public to attend work sessions, but there will be no public input permitted at this meeting."

County Attorney Abby Robinson served as acting county manager, in manager Jon Paul Saari's absence. Saari is a board member of the New Mexico Association of Counties Multi-Line Insurance Committee, which was determining insurance rates for New Mexico counties this week.

Robinson asked commissioners to give her input on the expenditure report of $1,252,691.75, including a more than $500,000 construction bill for the new detention center. Kasten said it seemed in line with regular expenditures.

In new business, commissioners will proclaim November as Hunger Awareness Month. The Volunteer Center Director Alicia Edwards will accept the proclamation at the meeting Thursday.

Commissioners will consider the appointment to the Food Policy Council of Marilyn J. Alcorn of Hidalgo Medical Services Family Support/Silver Adult Care Services, to replace Deb Nennich, who resigned from the council.

Also under new business is discussion of an application on behalf of Tyrone Volunteer Fire and Rescue to the EMS Funds Act Local System Improvement Project for fiscal year 2013 to facilitate the education and equipping of new EMS responders for the five Tyrone stations. Costs of classes, equipment and supplies have risen, making it difficult for the department to keep up with bringing on new EMS responders.

Commissioner Gabriel Ramos said he would bring to the commissioners for review the new rental amounts and policy for county facilities to be put in place by Jan. 1. The policy will include a provision of a 10 percent reduction in rents for county employees and elected officials and their immediate family members. The item will be under committee reports.

Commissioner Christy Miller asked if it would be retroactive for those groups who have already booked and signed agreements for use of a facility in 2012.

Ramos did not directly answer the question, but said a group could reserve no more than three dates in a year and would have to put down deposits on each of those dates.

Treasurer Alfred Sedillo said his office already has some deposits on account for next year.

The commissioners will discuss the policy at the regular meeting and plan to act on it at the last meeting of the year, which will take place Dec. 8.

Commissioners on Thursday will also consider a resolution on polling places for the 2012 and future elections.

County Clerk Robert Zamarripa explained that the county would have voter convenience centers, where any registered voter in precincts 1 through 35 may vote. Three of the centers will be in Silver City, at the Grant County Business and Conference Center, the Silver City Woman's Club and Harrison Schmitt Elementary School. Other convenience centers will be at the National Guard Armory, the Bayard Community Center and Hurley Community Center.

Rural precincts may vote at their rural precincts or the voter convenience centers. Precincts 1 and 2 may vote at Cliff High School; precincts 3 and 4 at Sapillo Volunteer Fire Department; precincts 5 and 10 at San Lorenzo Elementary School; precinct 6 at Red Rock Church; precinct 7 at Pinos Altos Volunteer Fire Department; precinct 31 at Hachita Baptist Church and precinct 35 at Mule Creek Community Center.

Commissioners, as the Grant County Indigent and Health Care Claims Board, will consider an indigent burial of Phillip C. West by Bright Funeral Home.

In county reports, Sheriff Raul Villanueva said the weekend was quiet, but he requested more notice next time the Monster Truck Show and other large events come to town.

"We had little time to prepare, so parking and traffic were a mess," Villanueva said. "Parking on the highway is a safety issue. I don't know who the event coordinated with, and although it was a good family-oriented event, we would request better planning time."

Because this weekend precedes Halloween on Monday, Villanueva said the department would be out in full force. "We ask people to be extra careful."

Jail Administrator Mike Jimenez said he had nothing to report. Ramos commented on how impressed he is with the new building.

Jimenez said he could not pinpoint a completion date, because of issues with utilities and inspections. "We expect gas to be connected in mid-November. We're waiting on phone installation and inspections."

Public Works Director Justin Reese said his staff has completed winterizing county facilities, is doing a lot of painting in the Administration Center, and will be installing carpet in the Clerk's Office, the Business Office and the back area of the building.

"We're looking at getting some heating and cooling at the Fairgrounds building, so it can be used in all seasons," Reese said. "The Gila Community Center needs a new heating unit."

His staff will be addressing the concession stand at Bataan Memorial Park. Stucco is falling off. The building and the restrooms have had the water drained and will not be used during the winter. He thanked Jimenez for letting the department use jail trusties for a lot of maintenance work.

Sacaton Construction has been selected to be the contractor for the Corre Caminos bus stops.

Senior Services Director Terry Trujillo had no report, but Miller asked him about a concern brought to the commission over the forms seniors, who use the centers, have to fill out and about the cost of meals for those younger than 60 years of age.

"The form is required by the Area Agency on Aging," Trujillo said. "We charge $9.30 for a meal for a younger person. The amount is based on grant money and the number of units we are trying to serve."

Assessor Randy Villa said he has wrapped up the assessments and turned them over to the Treasurer's Office.

"I want to let the public know, I will have employees in the field doing reappraisal work to update and renew data," Villa said. "They will have name badges with their full identifying information."

Sedillo said tax bills have been printed and will be mailed Friday. The individual tax information is also available at the website for those who wish to pay in advance.

He also promoted an event Friday night at the Flame Convention Center to benefit El Refugio Inc. Domestic Violence Shelter.

Zamarripa said, although carpet will be installed in his office Friday and Monday, the office would be open for business.

Kasten reported on attending the Southwest Regional Dispatch Authority Board meeting and being disturbed to find out the agency is $130,000 in the hole in its budget. "I looked at the 1999 agreement, and the county and the town of Silver City are required to make up any shortfall in the Dispatch budget. I have started working on the issues." The board is made up of four representatives each from Grant County and the town of Silver City, as well as representatives from each municipality and Gila Regional Medical Center.

The next commission meetings, with the work session on Nov. 8 and the regular meeting on Nov. 10, will be the only meetings in November. In December, the meetings will be on Dec. 6 and 8. There will be only the one set of meetings each of the final two months of the year, unless a special meeting is required.