untitled 1By Steve Townley, interim reporter

Soocial media is ablaze with rumors regarding the Kneeling Nun's recent disappearance.

Where did she go? Did someone steal her? Did she fall down? 

While some people claim it naturally slipped into the landscape. Other people reported loud explosions in the area. No one we spoke with at the Chino Mine had the clearance or authority to comment publicly. No one from the NM Mine Safety and Health Administration was available for comment.

A partnership is quickly forming between WNMU and The University of Maine to replicate the iconic landmark with one of the largest 3D printers before the region's world-class return of the Tour of the Gila scheduled for April 26 – 30, 2023.

There have been unverified reports of a law enforcement escort forming at the Grant County Airport, expected to escort the University of Maine's newest 3D printer, one of the largest globally, to the Chino Mine entrance under cover of darkness.

We will have reporters on the scene to update/verify this story at first light, scheduled for today, April 1, 2023.

[Editor's Note: Happy April Fool's Day!]