The New Mexico Office of the State Engineer has confirmed that John D'Antonio has resigned as state engineer to take a position with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

According to Maureen Haney of the OSE/Interstate Stream Commission Planning and Communication Division, D'Antonio will take the post of deputy district engineer of programs and project management for the Albuquerque district.

"He worked for the Corps before," she said. "He will be state engineer through Nov. 4."

D'Antonio's decision was completely voluntary, she confirmed.

According to Gov. Susana Martinez's press secretary, Greg Blair, "The process for a new permanent state engineer has been underway for some time now, and Mr. D'Antonio was a candidate until he withdrew his name from consideration yesterday. The governor's office is in the process of reviewing applications and interviewing candidates, and we expect that a new appointment will be made within 30 days."