Grant County officials and employees among those attending NMAC Legislative Conference in Santa Fe

Community Advocate Susie Trujillo and Grant County Manager Charlene Webb present at the conference (All Photos are Courtesy of NMAC- More photos below)

Santa Fe, New Mexico - Over 700 county officials and employees from around the state attended the 2017 New Mexico Association of Counties' (NMAC) Legislative Conference January 17-19, 2017 in Santa Fe. The primary purpose of the Legislative Conference is for county representatives to develop strategies for addressing legislative initiatives important to counties and communities. "We want to thank all of our county members, exhibitors, sponsors, and speakers who helped make the conference such a success,GÇ¥ said NMAC Executive Director Steve Kopelman.

Pre-conference events included NM EDGE County College classes, Multi-Line Pool membership annual meeting, and the NMAC Board of Directors meeting where a special legislative recognition award was presented to former Speaker of the House Don Tripp for his service to counties.

Wednesday, January 18, NMAC hosted a three-hour symposium on GÇ£The CountyG