Nick Seibel, Silver City MainStreet Project manager, gave a presentation to Rep. Dianne Hamilton, Sen. Howie Morales, and Rep. Rodolopho "Rudy" Martinez at the Legislative Forum, hosted by Prospectors.
"Thank you for capital outlay for downtowns across the state," Seibel said. "I think we're well-positioned to bring funding to us. We are one of the first five MainStreet programs in the state and the only one still continuing. We are going into our 27th year. We are the recipient of the Great American Downtown award, and the first in New Mexico to receive the recognition.
"Our four-point program is organization, design, promotion and economic positioning," Seibel said. "In organization, we finished a Downtown Action Plan, with 17 key ideas, which are our goals for the next 25 years.
"We are proud of our board of directors, who are a diverse group," he said. "In design, we dedicated the Downtown Arch, last year, with state support. We are working on the Big Ditch Park. Our action plan envisions it will be a pedestrian and bicycling link to other parts of town. It will offer us more eyes to drive away the less desirable groups. When the budgetary situation is better, we will look for funding. To continue the street lighting on Bullard, we will put in conduits for new lighting all the way to the university. Our ‘Façade Squad' will repaint the old Veseley block.
"In promotions, the First Friday tonight will be canceled because of the weather, but next month's is on Jan. 6, which is the 100th birthday of New Mexico. We're planning a big community party, with activities that will culminate in a dance at the end of the evening.
"We will continue the Tour of Gila Expo and the Celebration of Spring," he said. "That will continue. With Mimbres Region Arts Council, we're planning to have a stage of the Blues Festival downtown. We will do a New Mexico Food Fest with Las Cruces, T or C, Silver City and Deming. The first one will be hosted here on April 14, bringing in restaurants from all four communities. It will rotate among the four communities.
"In economic positioning, we pulled together the vacancy ordinance," Seibel said. "The Downtown Action Plan is providing new avenues. The Theater District would be glad to talk to you individually."
"MainStreet has done considerable good for the community," Hamilton said.
Martinez congratulated Seibel on the project's accomplishments, including national recognition.
Morales said he appreciates Seibel's work and the work up to now. "Do you know if you have any legislation?"
Seibel said the MainStreet Coalition has some things it is working on.
"Get House support, too," Morales encouraged. "I'm glad to hear about the master plan. We have the ideal site, like the San Antonio River Walk."
Seibel said Tre Rosat restaurant is moving to the old Book Bin. "On the two blocks from Broadway to Market, the owners on the east side of Bullard own the ditch. Tre Rosat will share its vision for offering outside eating."
Morales said he would like to hear the proposals for the program to buy the old buildings back.
Martinez made a comment that the addition to the Bayard Library was made possible "because we worked with Silver City MainStreet to help us. That's another success you can chalk up to MainStreet."
"By supporting New Mexico MainStreet, you are also helping us and communities like Bayard," Seibel said.
The next article will address the El Refugio presentation.