RESERVE, NM. November 10, 2011 "Allegations that the State of New Mexico has come in to take over Reserve schools are false", said Reserve school superintendent Chrsitina Rigtrup in a phone interview today.

"The State is not coming in to take over the school, however it has come in to investigate allegations that the school board had overstepped their bounds," Rigtrup said. "The allegations are that the board has taken money, that the supervisor's contract was incorrect, and other claims.

"We have a formal statement being put together by our attorney proving that the allegations are false," Rigtrup said. "We will stay in control and do right by our kids at any cost. Our kids will always come first."

Rigtrup stated that the claims made to the Secretary of State, and the subsequent letter from the Secretary of State to Reserve school, were based on hearsay and not on fact.