The Silver City-Grant County Chamber of Commerce is pleased to announce it will produce with Village Profile the 2012 Silver City-Grant County Chamber of Commerce Special 2012 Centennial Anniversary Guide and Directory.

"We are looking for photos to use on the front page," Lola Polley, Chamber executive director, said. "Email Centennial-themed stories and photos to us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it."

She said the guides would be mailed out thanks to sponsorships.

The Chamber of Commerce is also proud to be co-hosting with WNMU and Congressman Steve Pearce a Job Fair from 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 10, in the back of the Grant County Business and Conference Center.

The chamber moved a few months ago to a new location at the corner of Rio de Arenas and U.S. 180 East, where they receive between 500 and 600 visitors a month.

Polley was recently elected to the New Mexico Chamber Executives Association, made up of 67 chambers around the state. The association is also part of the New Mexico Association of Commerce and Industry.

She will remain as a board member of the Tourism Association of New Mexico.

"We are proud of our more than 400 members," Polley said.

The chamber has developed an Affinity Program with Verizon, Comcast and will also provide the New Mexico Drug Card, a prescription discount card to its members.

For more information on the chamber and its members, or the Grant County area, call 575-538-3785 or visit