1011 North Hudson Street/P.O. Box 997 Silver City, New Mexico 88062

(575) 538-3723 Fax: (575) 538-3726

Date: 10/12/11

Contact: Ed Reynolds Chief of Police

Synopsis: Halloween Safety

Location: Silver City New Mexico

Narrative: Halloween is upon us again; Trick or Treat should be one of the great adventures for children. They can get dressed up in scary costumes and go door to door begging for "Tricks or Treats" from neighbors. It should be a fun time, without trouble and pain. Silver City Police Department would like to remind parents of a few simple safety reminders to ensure that our children have a safe, fun and uneventful Halloween.

· Children should go out during day light hours only unless accompanied by a responsible adult.

· If at all possible have an adult go with children, especially younger ones. If you are unable to go, check with another adult or older sibling to see if they can go with them.

· Plan a safe route so parents know where their older children will be at all times. Set a time for their return home. Make sure that your child is old enough and responsible enough to go out by themselves.

· Let your children know not to cut through back alleys and fields. Make sure they know to stay in populated places and don't go off the beaten track. Stay in well lighted areas.

· Stop only at familiar houses in your neighborhood, unless they are accompanied by an adult.

· Know what other activities that they will be attending, such as parties, school functions or social group functions.

· Help your child pick out a costume that will be safe. Make it fire proof. If possible use colored face paint or make-up instead of a mask. If they wear a mask make sure the eye holes are large enough for good peripheral vision.

· Make sure if your child is carrying a prop, such as a scythe, butcher knife or pitch fork, that the tips are smooth and flexible enough to not to cause injury if fallen on.

· Make sure that you child carries a flash light, glow stick or has reflective tape on their costume to make them more visible to cars.

· Teaching your kids basic every day safety such as not getting into cars or talking to strangers, look both ways before crossing streets and crossing when the lights tell you to, will help make them safer when they are out trick or treating.

· If you set out jack-o-lanterns on your porch with candles in them, make sure that they are far enough out of the way so that kid's costumes won't accidently be set on fire.

· Treating your kids to a spooky Halloween dinner will make them less likely to eat the candy that they collect before you have a chance to check it for them.

· Instruct you children no to eat any treats until they bring them home to be examined by an adult.

· When checking the "loot" for the night, adults are reminded to look for anything unusual:

o Opened packaging

o Suspicious appearance of anything that does not appear ordinary or out of place

o Children should be cautioned about anything home made or "home wrapped" unless it comes from some one that is well known to the family.

o Fruits should be checked to see that the skin is intact and not punctured

· If in doubt "throw it out" the health and safety of a child is not worth the cost of a lost treat.

Anyone that has any questions or needs further assistance is asked to contact Silver City Police at (575) 538-3723 or Central Dispatch, (575) 388-8840, after hours.