Cliff Gila Services 1 RSMerritt Helfferich, Gila Valley Library Board Chair,
Dan Otero, Hidalgo Medical Services Chief Executive Officer,
and Peter Russell, Gila Valley Library Board Member.
Cliff Gila Services 2 RSAdjacent Cliff-Gila community partners:
Hidalgo Medical Services and Gila Valley Library.
Silver City, NM (April 14, 2017) - When an area resident picks up their mail from the Gila Post Office, they also have a convenient opportunity to stop into Hidalgo Medical Services (HMS) or the Gila Valley Library for additional services. HMS provides medical services to Cliff-Gila area community members and the Gila Valley Library is the frontier community's only area library. Although the two organizations each provide different services to area residents, their adjacent locations have created a central stopping point.

The current Gila Valley Library location was leased to the nonprofit organization by HMS, another nonprofit organization actively serving the community, in 2011. "Innovative collaborations and partnerships between community organizations, such as the Gila Valley Library and HMS, help to meet the many needs of our community's diverse interests," stated Merrrit Helfferich, Gila Valley Library Board of Trustees Chair. Gila Valley Library Board Member, Peter Russell, added, "The Gila Valley Library values its ongoing partnership with HMS. Our organization strives to provide various and interactive materials, Internet access, events, and educational programs to adults and children, now and in the future."

Dan Otero, HMS Chief Executive Officer, stated, "HMS and the Gila Valley Library each work hard to meet the unique needs of area residents located along Highway 180 northwest of Silver City. HMS positively impacts the health, well-being, and quality of life for those we serve at the HMS Cliff-Gila Community Health Center, and the Gila Valley Library successfully promotes children's and adult literacy within northwestern Grant County." "Our neighboring, service locations have created a resource hub of sorts for area residents. HMS hopes to continue that synergy for the betterment of the community," Otero added.

Please visit to learn more about HMS services, providers, and locations, including the HMS Cliff-Gila Community Health Center located at 415 Highway 211 in Gila. To learn more about Gila Valley Library programs, events, and services, please visit The Gila Valley Library is located at 411 Highway 211 in Gila.