The New Mexico Prescribed Fire Council strives to make the use of prescribed fire in New Mexico safer and more accepted for all practitioners. Membership is open to all.

Join us to help solve the issues that pertain to applying prescribed fire as a restoration tool by advancing prescribed fire training courses, networking, limit liability, right-to-burn legislation, education and outreach products, etc. We are having our Second Annual Meeting on Wednesday 2 November 2011 from 1000 to 1600 at the Pritzlaff Ranch near San Ignacio, NM, in San Miguel County (see directions below) to continue to develop the organization, conduct business, and tour recent restoration and prescribed burning on the ranch. Since one of our goals is to help private landowners increase the use of prescribed fire, we are partnering with the New Mexico Tree Farm Committee who will provide lunch for all those who RSVP by 10/26/11.

Vision: Working with cooperators to support them in their ability to apply fire at the right time, in the right place, and for the right reasons.

Committees Standing committees are the work horses of the Council. We encourage all members to participate in at least one committee. They are: Education and Outreach, Liability, Government Relations, Implementation and Standards, and Training

Directions to the Pritzlaff Ranch:

From Santa Fe, take I-25 north, take the south exit, 343, into Las Vegas, which leads to Grand Avenue. Go 1.6 miles to the stoplight at 7th St. Go left on 7th which becomes State Highway 518 north of downtown, north towards Mora. Go about 13.4 miles from the last stoplight in Las Vegas (Legion Dr.) to State Highway 94 at Sapello (look for Phillips 66 gas station on left at intersection), where you turn left towards San Ignacio (follow the sign). Go less than a mile and turn left onto State Highway 266 (look for the sign) CAUTION: THIS IS A DANGEROUS INTERSECTION. Go about 5.5 miles and turn left on County Rd A3 (group of 3 mail boxes on left). Go 0.2 mile and turn right at the first gate, into the Pritzlaff Ranch

RSVP to Kent Reid (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (505) 426-2145) Doug Boykin (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (575) 835-9359) or Joe Stehling (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (575)377-0546)