Two community open house workshops will be held on Saturday, October 27 to review a draft of the Silver City Greenways Master Plan. If approved by the Town Council, the plan would provide guidelines and design standards for a trails and open space system along the San Vicente, Silva, and Pinos Altos Creeks.
The draft of the proposed plan has been developed by a committee of local volunteers. They represent a wide variety of local organizations, including trail advocacy, watershed, Youth Conservation Corps, and downtown groups, as well as interested individuals and Town staff. This public process is being facilitated by Charlie Deans of Community By Design, a community planning firm. Mr. Deans and the committee have prepared proposed path alignments and trail design standards.
"A lot of people have been working on this project for a long time," said Nick Seibel, MainStreet manager, "but as many different organizations have made plans and built sections of trail, they don't always match up in the end, or allow for all the same uses. This plan puts us all on the same page. Not only will it be easier to find funding if we have an approved plan, it will also result in a trail you can ride a bike on from one end of town to the other."
The proposed plan spans from the existing San Vicente trail south of downtown to the historic Waterworks property on Silva Creek and the Silver High School area on Pinos Altos Creek. The most detailed attention is given to the "Big Ditch" section of the path, from College street to Broadway. This section serves as a link to downtown, a park, and a visitor destination.
"Big Ditch Park is a great historical and ecological resource that doesn't get as much use as it deserves," Seibel said. "Making it a ‘transportation spine' will mean there is always activity there. You will be able to go for a picnic in the park and there will be people passing through going to work, exercising, or strolling with friends. That kind of energy makes a space more enjoyable, safer, and better maintained, because people are looking out for it."
The public is invited to provide ideas and comments on the proposed pathway system this Saturday at the Silver City Farmers' Market from 9 am to noon or at the Silco Theater, 311 N. Bullard, from 1pm to 3pm.
The Silver City Greenways Master Plan draft will be available for review at the workshops, or at, at the Silver City MainStreet Office, 213 N. Bullard Street, and at the Silver City Community Development Office, 1203 N. Hudson Street. For more information contact Silver City MainStreet Project at 575-534-1700.