David Rose rsDavid RoseBrown Bag Lunch: The Morenci Mine Strike.
Thursday, March 3, 12 pm to 1 pm in the Silver City Museum Annex. David Rose will present an informative talk on the Morenci, Arizona Copper Strike of 1983 & 1984. He will discuss the cause of the strike and how it all turned out. Mr. Rose is a former Park Ranger and Game Warden.

Leprechauns and Bunny Jars.
Saturday, March 12, 10:30am to 12:00 noon at the Silver City Museum. Come make a cute leprechaun or a bunny jar to put Easter candy in or the use as a bank. This activity is free and open to "kids" of all ages.

Current Exhibits at the Museum:

Built to Change: The Evolving History of the Historic Ailman House
Flood Season: How Silver City's Main Street Became the Big Ditch
The Ailman Family Parlor: An Interactive, Family Friendly Experience!

For more information, visit the museum's website at www.silvercitymuseum.org or contact the museum at (575) 538-5921, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..