Monday, Aug 26

Welfare check
306 E. 12th Street – 1:51 p.m.
Male in a red shirt lying on the sidewalk. Chief Lambert went direct with R1 over radio.

Domestic disturbance
1600 E. 32nd Street
Two females fighting. Officer requested ambulance/trouble breathing/small lacerations. R2 advised patient signed refusal and EMS2 was notified.

Welfare check
S. Highway 90/Daniel Street – 3:25 p.m.
Male wearing a red shirt stumbling in roadway

Criminal trespass warning
714 16th Street
A named female is at his house/she just left. It will be a little bit before an officer could respond.

Welfare check
2501 E. Highway 180
Male is mentally unstable heading toward grocery side/male stating he would hurt people and that people are following him. Officer had contact with male.

2501 E. Highway 180
Male hiding behind bushes at Dollar Tree/unknown what he stole/a backpack was thrown over the fence. Officer had negative contact with anyone/en route to Walmart with backpack/Walmart confirmed it was theirs.

N. Combs Street
Caller advised that a named male is yelling at his mom and they want him removed from the property. Officer had contact and issued Ronnie Carbajal CTWs for addresses on N. Gold Street, E. 19th Street, and N. Cheyenne Street.

Unwanted subject
Yucca Street
Caller advised that her mom's boyfriend is trying to get into her house/he just left in a black Ford truck.

Vehicle burglary
1956 E. Highway 180
Caller advised someone broke into her car and took her purse.

Unwanted subject
1901 N. Silver Street
Female on landlord's property. Officer could not get a hold of property owner to see if they wanted to issue a CTW.

Tuesday, Aug. 27

N. Cheyenne Street
Four people. One woman with just a T-shirt and nothing else on/another woman clothed with only one shoe. Both women kept running and were followed by two men. Officers out with a named male at 7th and B streets.

Criminal damage to property
1310 Silver Heights Blvd.
Someone broke front windows and doors.

Criminal trespass warning
303 S. Cooper Street
A named female is on the property/school is on lockdown/she just walked off toward the cemetery.

Welfare check
Silver High School
Caller advised his named friend sent him a goodbye message.

Unwanted subject
2080 Memory Lane
A named female was yelling at caller on behalf of a tenant who was served a 7-day eviction notice/she left when caller advised she was calling the police. Caller wants the named female issued a CTW. Officer had possible contact with vehicle.

S. Texas Street
Caller advised he can hear a male and a female arguing. Officer out on Gila Street with a named female and a named male.

N. Swan Street
Caller advised that a named female kicked her in the stomach and she is six-months pregnant/the female is still being aggressive. Caller disconnected the line.

Welfare check
N. Cheyenne and Montana streets
Female appeared to be ‘zoned out' following a dog.

Unwanted subject
Montana Street
Caller advised a female is on her porch with no pants. Officer out with a 47-year-old named female who is not making sense. Officer advised have the female/returning to address for small dog.

Breaking and entering
Cactus Street
Caller advised the lock to her back gate is broken off and they also broke her back door/unknown if anything was taken.

520 N. Bullard Street
Homeless woman.

Unwanted subject
1313 E. 32nd Street
Patient who was discharged doesn't want to leave the parking lot/could hear yelling in the background. Officers had contact with the female on Leslie in front of Lintero Apartments/she is waiting for a ride.

Vehicle burglary
1313 E. 32nd Street
Gun was stolen from vehicle yesterday.

E. 12th Street
Neighbor on the hill keeps hitting golf balls toward his residence and has hit his wall twice. Officer out at a N. Silver Street address.

Domestic disturbance
Gila Street
Caller can hear someone arguing in the middle of the street. Second caller advised her son and his girlfriend are fighting and throwing things around. Officer on scene.

Loud music
Plata Road
Caller advised it's keeping her grandchildren awake. Officer advised going to turn down music.

Wednesday, Aug. 28

Welfare check
1120 E. Highway 180
Pickup with alarm going off.

Criminal trespass warning
1060 E. Highway 180
Advised there are three subjects/two males and one female/they are not guests of the motel but were eating the food from the breakfast area/want all three issued CTWs.

Las Cruces KOA Campground
Caller advised a named male started to harass them when they told him they had no room for him to rent out. He then started to ask one of the employees to go out with him and asked for her number.

3025 E. Highway 180
Worthless check that was used yesterday.

Public Safety Building – 1011 N. Hudson Street
Male walk-in handing out resumes felt disrespected at a local store.

Welfare check
Cherry Hills Place
An 88-year-old male was not doing well yesterday and looked in bad shape/caller cannot get a hold of him/male lives alone and has health problems/started chemo and radiation/yesterday the male did not want help.

Welfare check
E. 14th and N. Gold streets
Caller advised he saw a named female falling over possibly drunk on 14th Street/wearing red pajamas.

Criminal trespass warning
1110 N. Hudson Street
Caller advised a named male who has a CTW is at this location. Officer had negative contact.

Accident-property damage
S. Pinos Altos Street
Caller advised she hit a gas meter and it is hissing out gas. Officer advised Gas Co. is on scene/Pinos Altos Street blocked off/ it has been shut off.

Welfare check
N. Gold Street
Caller from State of Florida Child Abuse Operations wants a welcheck on a named male who resides with his grandmother.

2333 Sheriff's Posse Road
Male walked in and stated he was attacked by one of the landscapers at Sonic/he is bleeding from his arm and has a black eye. Officer out with two named males/male has laceration on right shoulder and some bruising. Officer requested ambulance for a male in his 20s/one in protective custody having suicidal ideations/with one male en route to GRMC.

Domestic disturbance
Yucca Street
Caller stated mother's boyfriend is outside the door banging on the doors and windows. Second caller stated that his girlfriend is refusing to give him his property back. Officer had contact advising two with warrants.

Welfare check
3025 E Highway 180
Vehicle came in very fast into the parking lot and both males got down from truck and started urinating in the parking lot/they just walked into the store. Officers had contact advising clear.

Plata Road
A named female is stalking caller by driving by in a little blue Hyundai car. Officer out at address.

Loud music
2711 Leslie Road
Officer had contact advising they will be turning it down.

Game and Fish
Little Walnut Road and Ohio Street
Buck in the middle of the roadway. NMSP officer advised deer removed from roadway.

Thursday, Aug. 29

Suspicious vehicle
2501 E. Highway 180
Officer advised subject ran out of gas/everything is okay.

Welfare check
855 Silver Heights Blvd.
Caller advised a female is asleep in her vehicle in the parking lot. Officer had contact with the female who advised she is just resting and not feeling good/Exxon employee is okay with her resting there/she refused medical.

2711 Leslie Road
Caller stated someone is stealing the solar lights from the top of the building.

Unwanted subject
2711 Leslie Road
Advised that her mother is arguing with her and is on the phone with CYFD and wants to take caller's son with her and caller is refusing to let her have her son. Mother left prior to arrival.

Yucca Street
Caller advised that her partner said he was on his way to her house and last time the cops told him he cannot go without LE for a civil standby/she did file a DVO on the male.

Welfare check
E. Pine Street
Caller advised a friend has been sending him weird messages/she stated she is nearly dead and needs his help/he went to help her and she nearly kicked him in the face/use caution with the female/she is an alcoholic and uses Xanax. Caller called back and advised he spoke to the female . . .

Stout Elementary School
Caller stated his son's cell phones were taken from his classroom/he has the app for finding his phone/they are possibly at a Leslie Road address.

Welfare check
Silver City Post Office
Male lying on the ground. Caller called back advising male got up and is walking away. Officer had contact with the male/walking just fine/unit clear.

Criminal sexual penetration
Plata Road
Caller advised that his 32-year-old daughter was raped a couple of weeks ago by a male in a nearby trailer/she just confessed this to caller.

1075 E. Highway 180
Officer has one in investigative detention/nobody is cooperating/units clear.