Monday, Jan.21
Suicide threat
Agave Place
No report.
N. Swan Street
A named male has been harassing caller online saying he is looking for caller. Officer will call caller.
Intoxicated persons
111 S. Texas Street
Caller advised an intoxicated male is there who needs to be removed. Officer had contact advising out at a Highway 15 address with the male.
Criminal trespass warning
1929 Pinos Altos Road
Female went inside and started threatening caller and was telling her off. Female left on foot and walked inside McDonald's. Officer had contact and issued the female an indefinite CTW for McDonald's and the RAM station and one month for Gospel Mission.
Welfare check
Cactus Street
Caller advised that a named male has been refusing to leave the house and has been abusive toward her for a while. Officer advised caller to get an eviction notice at the courts to evict the male.
Intoxicated persons
S. Texas Street
Three intoxicated males were on his property. Now there are five males in the middle of the road being loud and caller wants them to move along. Officer advised males left upon request.
Unwanted subject
106 N. Bullard Street
Caller advised a male is causing problems and is refusing to leave. Officer issued male an indefinite CTW for location.
Criminal damage to property
Pope Street
Window was shot with a BB gun yesterday.
Reckless driver
1235 E. Highway 180
Units pulled off for a structure fire.
2501 E. Highway 180
Adult female not causing problems. Officer had contact/released female on a CTA.
N. Silver Street
Male is yelling at residents as they enter and exit their residences. Officer advised male has outstanding warrant out of Judge Laney's court for trafficking – bond to be set.
Request officer
1313 E. 32nd Street
A named female requests officer to take her to El Refugio. Officer advised en route to El Refugio with one female.
Welfare check
1956 E. Highway 180
Tall male is picking up bicycle in the middle of the parking lot. Officers had contact at Family Dollar/out with a named male/he is okay/clear.
Welfare check
Silver City Post Office
Male lying on the ground yelling for help/seems intoxicated/got up and is walking toward Millie's. Officers out with male at La Familia.
Tuesday, Jan. 22
1060 E. Highway 180
A named female is not returning the coat to an unidentified male she had in her room and he is in the hallway and she is screaming at him and disturbing other guests/she possibly has been drinking. Officer attempted to call female and did call front desk.
Welfare check
Chavez Street
A named female is a regular customer at Adobe Springs Café who hasn't been seen in a while. Officer had negative contact at the house.
Domestic disturbance
Glenda Circle – 12:37 p.m.
Caller stated neighbor was arguing with her partner and took off walking with a small child/it was all verbal. Officer had contact with a named male who stated he was in the argument with caller/had contact with female/all verbal/clear.
Welfare check
High Desert Humane Society – 3050 Cougar Way
Officer checked on vehicle/clear.
Unwanted subject
Little Walnut Road
Caller advised a named male is there and refusing to leave. Officer had contact advising he left/both units clear.
Unwanted subject
1960 E. Highway 180
A named male is causing problems and is not wanting to leave. Caller called back advising the male left. Officer advised clear/county did a civil standby.
Welfare check
1040 E. Highway 180
Female sitting in the middle of the road yelling and screaming and throwing rocks/her face is full of markers. Officers out with a named female/negative wants/warrants.
Missing persons
800 S. Robert Street
Caller advised she has not heard from her sister since Dec. 25/she was staying at El Refugio/she left the shelter and no one has heard from her/she is homeless.
Domestic disturbance
Glenda Circle
A named male took off with caller's red 2009 Toyota Venza. Officers ATL the vehicle/advised stop ATL/vehicle is at the home.
Welfare check
Yucca and 21st streets
Approximately 7-year-old boy with a backpack appears to be walking aimlessly on Yucca toward Highway 180. Officer had contact advising boy is okay/he is 13-years-old and walking home from a basketball game.
Suspicious vehicle
N. Silver Street
Officer out with a car full of people. One male had an expired driver's license, one female had a suspended DL, and two females had revoked DLs. One female had an outstanding warrant for failure to appear on a DWI.
Domestic disturbance
Glenda Circle – 9:10 p.m.
Caller advised she just got home and her vehicle is missing again. Officer advised her vehicle is in the yard again. Second caller advised her neighbors at the address are arguing and it is getting worse. Officer again had contact advising this was a verbal domestic/advised both to stay away from each other for tonight.
Unwanted subject
B Street
People have been breaking into this apartment since last week/apartment is supposed to be vacant/caller was advised to call police by landlord. Caller believes they are squatting/multiple subjects.
Welfare check
1600 E. 32nd Street
Female lying in parking lot talking to herself. Officer out with female/she is okay/she is leaving.
Domestic disturbance
Glenda Circle – 10:15 p.m.
Caller said, "He broke my window" and hung up.
Welfare check
1040 E. Highway 180
Caller advised a female in the lobby is possibly withdrawing/hyperventilating/possibly still intox. Advised she is shaky and going to get combative. Second caller advised guest is being disruptive with the guests and employees. Officers checked Comfort Inn and Econo Lodge/found the female at Motel 6/everything is okay.
Wednesday, Jan. 23
Walk-in advised a named female keeps harassing her telling her she is going to have her kicked out of the apartment. Also stated that a named male keeps looking at her while bouncing a baseball bat off the ground.
1313 E. 32nd Street
Mental health patient is unruly. Officer advised everything is okay.
3514 Fowler Avenue
Safe was stolen from the business office.
Criminal trespass warning
E. 12th Street – 10:25 a.m.
A named female is on scene and won't leave and is throwing rocks at the house. A red Ford Ranger is also blocking caller's driveway. Officer advised female left prior to arrival/will ATL her to issue CTW.
Injuring/tampering with motor vehicle
E. 12th Street – 10:45 a.m.
2002 Toyota Corolla/happened at her residence but she just noticed it at the Food Basket.
E. Alice Street
Someone got his card information and bought a console for over $500. Officer advised crime happened in Albuquerque.
Unwanted subject
1600 E. 32nd Street
Female in the lobby cussing and screaming and refusing to leave the facility. Officers out with the female/she was released/if they request to issue her a CTW they'll find her later.
Highway 180/Noxfit
Caller advised panhandler is causing vehicles to remain parked while the light is green obstructing traffic. Officer had contact with the male panhandler advising him to stay out of the roadway and not to be aggressive.
Little Walnut Road
Keys to mailbox stolen.
703 Silver Heights Blvd.
Receiving texts from a named male who has a DVO.
Welfare check
E. 8th and N. Corbin streets
Female sitting on the side of the road with no shoes and face looks beat up. Caller advised he tried to check on her but she ignored him. Officer had contact advising she is okay/some people are helping her.
Accident-property damage
2750 E. Highway 180
Caller advised his/her blue Toyota Camry and a Ford F150 pickup are pulled off to the side of the roadway/no injuries. Officer had contact.
Welfare check
809 N. Hudson Street
Caller advised she noticed a girl approximately 7-years-old walking on Hudson Street. Officer had negative contact.
111 S. Texas Street – 7:15 p.m.
Spoke to SDPD earlier today about harassment.
111 S. Texas Street – 8:15 p.m.
A named female told caller, "You are going to get the **** kicked out of you." Officer was advised and said will respond after current call.
S. Arizona Street
Neighbor is making threats. Officer had negative contact.
Welfare check
Pope Street
Caller advised she was on the phone with a named 33-year-old female when she suddenly disconnected/she has been having problems with a male recently. Officer had contact with female advising she is okay.
Reckless driver
32nd and Pinos Altos streets
Officer out at Swan/22nd/will monitor driving.
Thursday, Jan. 24
Accident-property damage
S. Corbin Street
Male in a white car was walking around his property. Officer advised tow truck on scene for vehicle.
3025 E. Highway 180
Male took a "As Seen on TV Snake for Your Sink" yesterday/they have video.
Harrison Schmitt School
From a parent on the phone in reference to they are upset over CYFD and JPPO involved with an ongoing investigation.
N. Juniper Street
Two males inside now/they are opening the back door. Officer had contact with caller/out with a named male and a named female.
E. College Avenue and N. Hudson Street
Vehicles are now in the Hudson Chevron parking lot. Officer checked three driver's licenses/advised to send ambulance for a 17-year-old female with head injury from hitting steering wheel.
1313 E. 32nd Street
Caller advised a patient that was treated yesterday in the ER stole stethoscope.
Accident-property damage
Silver Heights Blvd. and Juniper Avenue
Runyon Construction and a red Toyota Corolla/no injuries.
Unwanted subject
N. Silver Street
Male possibly smoking marijuana behind the dumpster. Caller called back advising male left the area.
1220 N. Hudson Street
Female put a bottle of RumChata in her jacket. Officer had contact/female was re-issued CTW and released on a CTA.
Welfare check
Little Walnut Road
They called a named female and could hear a male yelling in the background. Officer had negative contact/will call El Refugio
Criminal trespass warning
1220 N. Hudson Street
To have the SCPD pick up belongings for the female.
Welfare check
Leslie Road
19-year-old grandson just kicked in the door to his bedroom.
Criminal trespass warning
2501 E. Highway 180
A named female was caught shoplifting but she is gone now and the merchandise was recovered.