Daniel B. Stephens & Associates, Inc. and Joanne Hilton are developing a Silver City Water Conservation Plan, working with Denise Smith (Town of Silver City) and others. The scope of the project involves developing a water conservation plan for the Town, unincorporated areas within 3 miles of town, and four adjacent water associations (Pinos Altos, Tyrone, Rosedale, and Arenas Valley). The plan will outline long-range water policies and water conservation goals, and identify and prioritize conservation measures. The final plan will be completed by June 2013.

The first conservation planning meeting was held in September 2012 to introduce the project team, discuss the project's goals and objectives, and present the schedule for plan development. The meeting handouts and notes from the September meeting are attached. The second meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, November 14 at 2 pm in the City Annex upstairs conference room (1203 North Hudson Street in Silver City). At this meeting, we will be discussing the progress and initial results of the water audit being performed using Town well production and billing data, and we will begin to rank the water use efficiency programs and projects that will be included in the plan.