(October 5, 2011 Albuquerque, NM) Earlier today, USDA Rural Development State Director Terry Brunner visited Carrizozo, NM to see the New Horizon Development Center's renovation. The Center, which provides rehabilitation for the developmentally disabled, recently received a $6,956 loan (Was it a loan or grant?) from Rural Development to upgrade its heating and air conditioning system.

During his brief presentation and tour of the facility, Brunner said, "At USDA Rural Development, we understand that building great rural communities requires resources. Rural Development is pleased to have a hand in bringing about a much better learning and working environment for those using this facility."

New Horizons applied for and received a $6,965 Community Facility (CF) direct loan administered by USDA Rural Development. The money will pay for the purchase and installation of a new boiler and air conditioning unit to replace the current unreliable and inefficient systems.

Any governmental agency or non-profit organization located in a community of 20,000 people or less can apply for this type of funding. The CF program can provide a direct loan or grant from the U.S. Government for the construction or the equipping of essential public or non-profit community facilities. The loans can be made at below-market interest rates and are aimed at serving financially challenged rural areas. Allowed expenses include purchase of land needed for construction of the facility, necessary professional fees, and equipment and operating costs.

For more information on this program or to get application information go to USDA Rural Development's website at: http://www.rurdev.usda.gov/NM or call 505-761-4955.

USDA Rural Development's mission is to increase economic opportunity and improve the quality of life for rural residents. Rural Development fosters growth in homeownership, finances business development, and supports the creation of critical community and technology infrastructure. Further information on rural programs is available at any local USDA Rural Development office or by visiting USDA Rural Development's web site at http://www.rurdev.usda.gov