(ALBUQUERQUE, N.M.) – Holiday lights bring many customers joy, so it's important to pay attention to proper placement to prevent fire or injury.

To prevent fires and avoid injury, PNM urges customers to carefully inspect lights when purchasing them and also before hanging.

    • Carefully look at each string of lights and throw away any that are cracked or damaged.
    • When using a ladder, always check for overhead power lines first. Don't place the ladder where it can slide into the line and never move a ladder that is extended.
    • Use ladders made of non-conducting materials, such as fiberglass or wood.
    • If the ladder falls into an overhead line, let it go. Do not try to move it. Assume the overhead line is a live power line. Call PNM immediately: (888) 342-5766 or (888) DIAL-PNM.
    • To prevent shock, plug outdoor decorations into outlets protected by ground fault circuit interrupters to prevent shock.
    • Do not put electrical cords under rugs; a frayed cord, could start a fire or result in electrocution.
    • Keep all decorations away from heating sources, including space heaters and fireplaces.
    • To keep energy use down, turn on your holiday lights for no more than six hours per day. Use a lighting timer to turn lights on and off automatically.
    • Always unplug holiday lights before going to bed or leaving the house.
    • Don't overload your circuits. Check your fuse box or circuit breaker panel to see how much load you can add to your house and stay within these limits to reduce the risk of fire.

For more holiday lighting safety tips, visit www.PNM.com  , www.holidaysafety.org  and the web site of the Home Safety Council.