SANTA FE, NM— The state Motor Vehicle Division (MVD) and the New Mexico Department of Veterans' Services are announcing the availability of Purple Heart Recipient motorcycle license plates for veterans who have been awarded the Purple Heart combat badge.

The prestigious Purple Heart badge is presented to members of the U.S. Armed Forces who are killed or wounded by an instrument of war in the hands of the enemy. It is also awarded posthumously to the next of kin in the name of those killed in combat, or who perish as the direct result of combat-related injuries.

There are more than 3,000 Purple Heart recipients living in New Mexico. Until this month, these recipients have been able to proudly show this special distinction by applying for a maximum of two free Purple Heart Award vehicle license plates for cars, pickup trucks or recreational vehicles. Today's announcement enables qualified motorcycle and motorized scooter owners to now proudly display their Purple Heart recipient status.

"Our Purple Heart recipients should be recognized for this prestigious combat award," said New Mexico Department of Veterans' Services Secretary-Designate Jack Fox. "This is a small way that the state of New Mexico is able to show its appreciation for these brave veterans who have made a great sacrifice for our country."
Eligible recipients can apply online by first going to the MVD website at Applicants can download the Purple Heart Motorcycle License Plate application form which is found in the lower-right under "All MVD Forms." Click on "Application for Military Service Plate."

Print this form and fill it completely.

Completed forms should then be mailed to the nearest New Mexico Department of Veterans' Services field office for approval. Go to the NMDVS website link at  to find the locations of the 17 NMDVS field offices.

Applicants can mail the returned NMDVS-approved form along with proof of a Purple Heart award to:

· Vehicle Services Bureau
· PO Box 1028
· Santa Fe NM 87504-1028.

A maximum of two sets of Purple Heart vehicle or motorcycle plates are allowed for eligible recipients—both of which are free. Handicapped symbols & personalization of Purple Heart Plates are not available. Only Purple Heart recipients can apply for the plates; spouses or next-of-kin are not eligible to file.