We at the Beat work hard to bring you accurate, up-to-date news from Silver City and the entire region. We're humbled when you respond as you have. Here are some of the appreciative comments we have received.

If you'd like to show your appreciation as well, please send us the following information and we'll be happy to add your testimonial. Thank you!

  • Name (First and Last, or we can publish it as Anonymous) 
  • Email address (so we can contact you if needed)
  • Text you'd like included

Email this info to editor@grantcountybeat.com. Thank you!

I am a devoted fan of your news reporting because no other local news gives the community ALL the actual unbiased reporting as GCB. Thank you so much for your amazing journalism and dedication to providing the community the news.

Melanie C.

I've been thinking lately how fortunate we are to have The Grant County Beat in our community. Life in our small town is made better on a daily basis by its presence. Local news coverage is critical to the health and fabric of our town, helping us all to feel connected and informed.

So many local newspapers and other news media have been lost in recent years, and I know it is a labor of love and dedication to the community that keeps our local news media going.

Our town and community would not be the same without the Grant County Beat. Thank you for making the news that is important to Grant County "Just One Click" Away

Ken Ladner

I recently ran an ad for free items and the Beat published it much faster than anticipated. I hadn't even submitted payment for my ad before I received a phone call which resulted in a person picking up the items! So happy that I don't have to increase material to the landfill just to be free of unwanted items… I got super fast results. Thanks Grant County Beat! — .

Marcia H

Thank you as you do an excellent service to the community with your fact-based reporting.

Steve Townley

I just wanted to tell you what a fine service you provide to the community. I was looking at your area photos on the Beat website and thought wow, they really show how many wonderful things there are to see in out area. And beautiful photos they are!! Thank you for all your hard work. And I know it is a LOT of work. 

Christopher Saxman

NO ONE can touch your persistence, your honesty and integrity. My background is in journalism and photojournalism and I so admire your professionalism and unbiased reporting.

Julie Enos

Thanks, Mary Alice, for setting the record straight on Denny's. You always get the straight answer and the most reliable news!

Barbara Wright

Mary Alice runs a great service for Grant County and actually the World! It doesn't matter where you are you can keep up with events and information here! And her site is so easy to use it's incredible. Her coverage this week of the Ft. Bayard Memorial Services was not equaled anywhere else. So, Mary Alice, your hectic life has given all of us just what we need---Information! We hope you can continue for a long time to come! Thank You!

Dave & Joy Schuhmann

Appreciate the Grant County Beat publishing the article on Educator of the Year, Mr. Claudie Thompson. I am depending more and more on the Beat because of your quick responses to news. I depend on the Beat for good and accurate news reporting.


Thank you for having the best low vision-friendly source of local news, easily available on the internet. GCB was instrumental in our choice of Silver City as our new seasonal home.

Karen B

A business client of mine pointed me to the Grant County Beat. What you and your staff have done here is way better than anything I have ever seen in the county (and beyond). An amazing job.

Steve Chiang

I love GrantCountyBeat.com! Thank you for putting out such excellent, readily available news!

Cynthia Ann Bettison

Thanks for tracking down the facts about the concrete used in the bridge project. It's so easy to put something out there and have it widely accepted as fact. Thanks for being willing to do the work.

Cheryl Ward

Thanks for the good work! Great reporting on the Hwy. 90 bridge progress. We appreciate it. Happy birthday to GCB! We believe good work deserves kudos and you certainly deserve recognition for your performance. Frankly it's refreshing to read such well written work.

Jane Bravick

I sincerely appreciate your publishing The Beat. I am a former resident of both Grant and Hidalgo Counties. Having The Beat available keeps me aware of some of the goings on at "home." And the obituaries let me know which friends and acquaintances have moved to a better world. Keep up the good work!  

Jim Barentine (Now living in Las Cruces)

I appreciate the fine job the Grant County Beat is doing in informing the public on what is happening in Grant County. I am becoming a big fan of the online newspaper. Your staff is doing an excellent job of reporting a variety of events.

Fred Baca

The report on the NM arts secretary's visit to Bear Mountain Lodge was first rate. Thanks.

Tom Hester

Just want you to know how much Chuck and I appreciate the Beat. We check it while in Silver City and it is SO perfect while we are in Yuma! You were a genius to come up with this. Happy 5th Birthday! 

Chuck and Bonnie Kelly

Thank you, Mary Alice Murphy and Grant County Beat, for the best reporting I've seen on Sunday's amazing memorial service for Ella Jaz Kirk, Ella Sala Myers, and Michael Sebastian Mahl. Watching and listening from the balcony, I thought that I could clearly recall the many portions that resonated most strongly with me - but there was too much for the eyes, ears, and heart to absorb and retain. Thank you for bringing home the words, spirit, and reminders of that most stirring afternoon's images. I regret most deeply the unfathomable need for that afternoon's gathering, but yet - it is to be clearly remembered. 


I appreciate the information GCB prints about meetings I am on the GRMC Foundation Board, but I learn more about the hospital from your reports on the Board of Trustees meetings than from the Foundation meetings.

Sharye Hardesty

Thank you for being on the job Sunday and getting the news and pictures of the Signal Peak fire posted so quickly! When I want to know what's happening, Grant County Beat is where I go!


Thank you Mary Alice Murphy for the great coverage of the May Silver School Board meeting. I felt like I was there with your exact quotes from the participants who were there. You did an outstanding job!

Sue M

Early 2013: You have the most factual reporting of anyone around, MAM. Thank you!


You do an amazing job covering the issues in our region. I personally rely on GCB for the most accurate news.

Terry Timme

UNSOLICITED ENDORSEMENT 2012 Just a short note to say 'Kudos' for your excellent coverage of the recent Candidate's Forum for 6th Judicial District Judge! Our print media is sorely lacking in covering these Forums in my opinion!"


UNSOLICITED ENDORSEMENT 2012 The job you are doing, Mary Alice, is quite admirable. As a professional journalist, I admire your efforts more than most."


Dear Editor MAM: I felt compelled to write you and your ever growing audience in celebration of the journalistic upgrade that you have bestowed on and in Grant County. It has been refreshing and a pleasure to read your articles, columns and musings over the years. Since your arrival in Grant County, some years ago, as a reporter for the SC Daily Press, a higher quality of journalism infused our printed media and impacted the other media to also aspire to a more serious level of journalism. What I looked forward to reading your consistent coverage of community events, government meetings, as well as other news worthy issues. You really kept and keep our community informed. I especially enjoy your vocabulary, grammar and sense of humor. I have followed MAM's musings for years, and now diligently follow your Grant County Beat. Thank you MAM!!!

Francesca Estevez

Hi Mary Alice, thanks so much for your accurate coverage of my presentation to the commission yesterday... and I wanted to tell you: I am so impressed with the Grant County Beat! What a great online newspaper you have created.

Nikki Zeuner

UNSOLICITED ENDORSEMENT 2011 Just finished reading several GCB news articles, each containing info or insights not gleaned from (local print newspapers). Anyway, you're way ahead of the papers on reporting news. WELL done and thank you."


KUDOS, KUDOS, KUDOS! I have been so happy since I found GCB! I remember way back when I lived in Grant County and I always read your articles in the SCDP. I always thought that your writing was the best in that newspaper. Now that you have started GCB it is way beyond anything the SCDP has/or will do. I read GCB daily because it has so much content that is relative and informative. Especially, to those of us who love the area so much and wish we could come back and live there again (and we might). I have always yearned for the news of my beloved Grant County but the SCDP was just not doing it. Now when we come in the summer we will be up to date on all the haps with our friends and the community. Thank you so much for GCB. Thank you so much for informing us. Keep it up! 

Skip Munoz

Content on the Beat

WARNING: All articles and photos with a byline or photo credit are copyrighted to the author or photographer. You may not use any information found within the articles without asking permission AND giving attribution to the source. Photos can be requested and may incur a nominal fee for use personally or commercially.

Disclaimer: If you find errors in articles not written by the Beat team but sent to us from other content providers, please contact the writer, not the Beat. For example, obituaries are always provided by the funeral home or a family member. We can fix errors, but please give details on where the error is so we can find it. News releases from government and non-profit entities are posted generally without change, except for legal notices, which incur a small charge.

NOTE: If an article does not have a byline, it was written by someone not affiliated with the Beat and then sent to the Beat for posting.

Images: We have received complaints about large images blocking parts of other articles. If you encounter this problem, click on the title of the article you want to read and it will take you to that article's page, which shows only that article without any intruders. 

New Columnists: The Beat continues to bring you new columnists. And check out the old faithfuls who continue to provide content.

Newsletter: If you opt in to the Join GCB Three Times Weekly Updates option above this to the right, you will be subscribed to email notifications with links to recently posted articles.

Submitting to the Beat

Those new to providing news releases to the Beat are asked to please check out submission guidelines at https://www.grantcountybeat.com/about/submissions. They are for your information to make life easier on the readers, as well as for the editor.

Advertising: Don't forget to tell advertisers that you saw their ads on the Beat.

Classifieds: We have changed Classifieds to a simpler option. Check periodically to see if any new ones have popped up. Send your information to editor@grantcountybeat.com and we will post it as soon as we can. Instructions and prices are on the page.

Editor's Notes

It has come to this editor's attention that people are sending information to the Grant County Beat Facebook page. Please be aware that the editor does not regularly monitor the page. If you have items you want to send to the editor, please send them to editor@grantcountybeat.com. Thanks!

Here for YOU: Consider the Beat your DAILY newspaper for up-to-date information about Grant County. It's at your fingertips! One Click to Local News. Thanks for your support for and your readership of Grant County's online news source—www.grantcountybeat.com

Feel free to notify editor@grantcountybeat.com if you notice any technical problems on the site. Your convenience is my desire for the Beat.  The Beat totally appreciates its readers and subscribers!  

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