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Should Seeking Fulfillment Be A Crime?
A Short Story by Elaine Carlson

"People can seek irony or


By Elaine Carlson
"It was so exciting. Just like when Truman won," the person sitting near me on


By Elaine Carlson

"What holiday is it?"

My husband told me it was a holiday and I couldn't help


By Elaine Carlson

I was really saddened when I learned of the death of Supreme Court Justice Ruth


By Elaine Carlson

"Are you pregnant? Are you breastfeeding?"

I decide not to read anymore and say,


By Elaine Carlson

Ye Gads, how do I keep busy now was what I thought way back in March when


By Elaine Carlson

"They said some guy arrested for murder in Las Vegas had a 'history of


By Elaine Carlson

"They were high school sweethearts," she said. "They got married when they were


By Elaine Carlson

Two weeks ago a relative sent me a message criticizing the media for not paying


By Elaine Carlson

Probably the biggest big story that so far hasn't been a big story in the


By Elaine Carlson

In 2010 I started to use a walker. Then I was using a cane and since I have been


By Elaine Carlson

For years years, many women have accused the American film producer Harvey


By Elaine Carlson

"Tell Oscar to sleep on the roof."

A doctor and the Public Health Nurse Margret


Note to the Readers: This week I am doing something different in my column. I am posting a short


By Elaine Carlson

I recently decided I wanted to watch The Jack Benny Show on YouTube. I saw him


By Elaine Carlson

I have been thinking I might want to buy a book (or maybe several) to carry me


By Elaine Carlson

At the Primary Election I voted at the polling place. I know absentee voting is


By Elaine Carlson

I have been listening to the Public Service Announcements telling how important


Perhaps An Unfair Comparison

by Elaine Carlson

"In the winter of 1665-66 Trinity College in


By Elaine Carlson

The day after New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham announces her Stay In


By Elaine Carlson

Whenever I hear our public radio station asking people to give them the cars


By Elaine Carlson

The novel looks interesting  as it opens with a woman attorney relaxing in front


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