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By Elaine Carlson

The man said one of their selections is venison. On their menu posted online


By Elaine Carlson

"I have an RV just outside of Silver City," she said. "It's at --- and ---- ."



By Elaine Carlson

The book was The Ice Man: The True Story of a Cold-Blooded Killer by Anthony


By Elaine Carlson

My husband Brad told me about a Computer Show he went to in San Francisco not long


A Short Story by Elaine Carlson

"Can we assume this will be another Ponzi Scheme?"

"Yes you can," I say.


By Elaine Carlson

The novel looks interesting – it opens with a woman attorney relaxing in front


"Love Welled Up In Us"
A Book Review by Elaine Carlson

The Deputy Sheriff Louis Stolz had a


A Memoir by Elaine Carlson

"Don't be so irresponsible," he said. "You could die."

I was jolted out


A Short Story by Elaine Carlson

 "So you learned one of our ancestors survived the Black Plague,"


By Elaine Carlson

"Thanks for coming to [name of the medical practice] today for your office


Reflections by Elaine Carlson

Recently I got my second Covid 19 Booster. I booked my appointment on


By Elaine Carlson 

"A male fox is called a dog ["Foxy Facts, Gaspard the Fox]" And "... a female fox


A Short Story by Elaine Carlson

"Sissy, I did the job," Peter said. "Call me back as soon as you


By Elaine Carlson

"The wind? I am the wind. The sea and the moon? I am the sea and the moon.


By Elaine Carlson

"There is no death, daughter. People die only when we forget them,' my mother


A Short Story by Elaine Carlson

 The first thing I notice about the house is that it is


By Elaine Carlson

Ye Gads. The cat is pestering me for food. I look at my watch and see it is one


By Elaine Carlson

"All you need is the plan, the road map, and the courage to press on to your


By Elaine Carlson

I remember talking with my mother about people who make crossword puzzles. But does


By Elaine Carlson

 "Hello. I just want to touch bases with you," the first message said. "Can I


By Elaine Carlson

 First Day

It was three or four days ago when I set my mind on writing a novel.


By Elaine Carlson

My cousin just sent me pictures of the 2 teachers and 17 of the 19 children who were


by Elaine Carlson

I was happy after I woke up and stumbled into the kitchen to learn that right


By Elaine Carlson

When I think of superlatives I think about questions of geographic extremes.


by Elaine Carlson

Sunday I survived another Mother's Day after my mother has been gone. At first I


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