Rep. McCamley: No New Mexico National Guard for Trump's Deportations

Santa Fe, NM - Rep. Bill McCamley (D-Mesilla Park) has introduced HB 560 to prevent the New Mexico


Rep. Sari+

Santa Fe, NM - Today, Representative Debra Sari+

Rep. Sarah Maestas Barnes' Bill to Fight Financial Elder Abuse Passes House Committee

Santa Fe, NM - A bill sponsored by Rep. Sarah Maestas Barnes (R-Bernalillo) to prevent the


"Three Strikes" Bill Advances

Santa Fe, NM - Yesterday, a bill sponsored by Rep. Nate Gentry (R-Bernalillo) to reform New


House Dems Unveil Legislative Priorities to Generate New Money

Santa Fe, NM - Today, House Democrats presented their priorities for bringing in new money to the


Ethics Commission Proposal Clears Committee

Santa Fe, NM - This afternoon, the House Local Government, Elections, Land Grants and Cultural


Rep. Garcia Richard Allows for More Input on Background Check Legislation

Santa Fe, N.M. - Today, Representative Stephanie Garcia Richard (D-Los Alamos) pulled HB 50 back


House GOP Kill Bill to Protect Public Health

Santa Fe, NM - A bill to make it a crime to lie to inspectors from the Environment Department was


Bill Curbing Use of Solitary Confinement Passes Committee

Santa Fe, NM - Today in the House Consumers and Public Affairs Committee, Rep. Antonio "Moe"


Senate Committee Approves Bipartisan Compromise to Fund NM Courts

Santa Fe, NM - This afternoon, the Senate Finance Committee approved a bipartisan proposal to


Rep. Sarah Maestas Barnes Introduces Legislation to Protect Seniors from Financial Exploitation

Santa Fe, NM - Rep. Sarah Maestas Barnes (R-Bernalillo) has introduced legislation to prevent


Rep. Kelly Fajardo's Bill to Support the FFA Advances

Santa Fe, NM - Rep. Kelly Fajardo's bill to support agricultural education in New Mexico's schools


House GOP Shuts Window on Solar in House Committee

Santa Fe, N.M. - Today, House Republicans voted against House Bill 193 in the House Business and


House Passes Data Breach Notification Act

Santa Fe, NM - This evening, the House of Representatives unanimously passed House Bill 15, known as


House Approves Bill to Remediate Carlsbad Brine Well

Santa Fe, NM - This evening, the House of Representatives passed a bill to help remediate an


Bill to Protect Contraception Coverage from Trump's Reckless Obamacare Repeal Effort Clears Committee

Santa Fe, N.M. - House Democrats Wednesday continued to protect New Mexico families from the Trump


Southern NM Dems Demand Action from Gov on ICE Operations in Do+

Santa Fe, N.M. - Today, Federal Immigration Customs and Enforcement (ICE) agents are reported to


House Committee Kills Bill to Protect New Mexicans from Voyeurs

Santa Fe, NM - This afternoon the House Consumer and Public Affairs Committee tabled a bill to


Early Childhood Education Investment Moves Forward

Santa Fe, N.M. - A major investment in early childhood education, House Joint Resolution 1,


New Mexico First Advancing Economic Reforms

From expanding statewide broadband to broadening opportunities for workforce training, to


Legislators Unveil Plan to Reboot NM Tax Code

Santa Fe, NM - Today a bipartisan group of legislators introduced their bill to reform New


Public Official "Cooling Off" Bill Continues to Advance

Santa Fe, NM - Last night, the House Judiciary Committee approved House Bill 73, a bill sponsored by Rep.


House Judiciary Passes Bill to Protect CYFD Workers

Santa Fe, NM - Yesterday, the House Judiciary Committee unanimously passed a bill sponsored by


House Judiciary Approves Rep. Sarah Maestas Barnes' Bill to Expand Baby Brianna's Law

Santa Fe, NM - This afternoon, the House Judiciary Committee unanimously approved House Bill 45, a


Bill to Ease Teacher Leave Penalty Passes Second House Committee

Santa Fe, NM - This afternoon, the House Education Committee approved House Bill 241, a bill


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