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Grant County officials gave county reports at Tuesday's Commission work session.

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At the Grant County Commission work session, the agenda for Thursday's regular meeting was


3818 IMG_5311 The Grant County Business Network held its Christmas bazaar on a cold, snowy day. Courtesy Photos...

Photo by Melia Moore:Jericho Country Gospel Band plays some holiday tunes. (More photos on Photo


Mayor Edward Encinas thanked the legislators Sen. Howie Morales, Rep. Dianne Hamilton and Rep.


Charles Kelly, Bayard mayor, presented his municipality's concerns to the area legislators Rep.

1011 North Hudson Street/PO Box 997, Silver City New Mexico 88062...

Silver City, NM - Western New Mexico University will confer degrees and certificates to 200


At the Friday Legislative Forum, hosted by Prospectors, various community groups presented their


The Legislative Forum hosted by the Prospectors featured presentations by several community


Friday during the day, Sen. Howie Morales and state reps. Dianne Hamilton and Rudy Martinez heard


Special Weather Statement for Southwest Mountains/lower Gila Region, NM

Issued by The National


3785 102_2603 Photo by Melia Moore: Jerry Friedler and Sandy Feutz from the Kiwanis Club.

Snow made an


Despite the snow, a substantial audience made it to Friday night's concert by the Las Cruces


By Tim Matthes

In response to a query by the Beat regarding the status of plans for renovation of


Things didn't look good at the intermission for WNMU as Regis University had built a solid 16


The Mustangs tipped off the RMAC season with a convincing 80-56 drubbing of Regis Univeristy in




By Lif C Strand, Catron County CWPP Contractor

RESERVE, N.M. November 30, 2011. La Niña


3775 Patricia_De_Naranjo_and_Amanda_Teran[1] Courtesy Photo of Patricia De Naranjo and Amanda Terán

The Grant County/Silver City Joint Office of


3773 333106_10150399142952779_579867778_8464754_252344420_o Photo Courtesy of Tom Vaughan
The 'A' team turned out in force yesterday as members of the Silver

1011 North Hudson Street/P.O. Box 997 Silver City, New Mexico 88062...

226 PM MST THU DEC 1 2011



Downtown Silver City continues to celebrate the holidays with this month's First Fridays Downtown.

1011 North Hudson Street/P.O. Box 997 Silver City, New Mexico 88062...

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