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Freeport-McMoRan Copper & Gold Inc. Declares Quarterly Cash Dividend on Common Stock



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Photo: Trent Kasten, 11, shows his pig, which ended up winning third place. (More photos can be


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Photo: The Gaffney-Oglesby Marine Corp League Detachment 1328 Honor Guard posted the colors at the


3027 Dr._Shepard_09-09-11_06sm Silver City, NM - Dr. Joseph Shepard will be officially installed as the fifteenth president of


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Photo: Visitors to the Pinos Altos October Fiesta stroll the main street to see what information


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Work began at 8 a.m. this morning Saturday, October 1st, to construct the first of two 10x10


To pause the slide show, mouse over the image.

We often hear debates about the outcome of elections, the passage of laws, or the expansion of


Birding Field Trip to Lake Roberts

Saturday, Nov 18, 2023
8:30 - 11:30 am

Trip leader: Brian


Friends of the Floridas Annual Meeting
Saturday, Nov 4, 2023 
11:30 am lunch | noon meeting



Program: Learn about Local Community Science Birding Projects

Friday, Nov 3, 2023 | 6:00-7:30 (ish!)


8/1/23  Still uncertain

8/8/23      National History Day students (Silver HS) competition results from


New Mexico Magazine hauls in 17 total honors during annual awards ceremony

SANTA FE — New Mexico Magazine


By Elaine Carlson

The novel looks interesting  as it opens with a woman attorney relaxing in front


Sarah Breedlove was the orphaned daughter of former slaves. At seven years old, Sarah worked


By Mary Alice Murphy

New Mexico Department of Information Technology Secretary John Salazar


By Roger Lanse

According to a U.S. Forest Service spokesperson, four to five lightning-caused fires were


In response to the many calls, texts, and emails received last week regarding health, education, small

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Best of Show Laurie Ford The Watering


Photos and article by Mary Alice Murphy

On Sunday, Aug. 5, 2018, a contingent of personnel from the


House Agriculture Committee Chairman Mike Conaway (R-TX): "Our president stood up to a bully and


Silver City NM, June 11, 2018—For Immediate Release. The Gila National Forest has issued Forest


Come hear the artist talk about Contemporary Casta Portraiture: Nuestra "Calidad." The Silver City


BY: Mick Mastroianni and Johnny Hart

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