Legend has it that a couple thousand years ago, a Chinese alchemist was searching for the secret of eternal life. Mixing sulfur, potassium nitrate, and charcoal, the alchemist was sure he'd created an elixir that could help him cheat death.
In perhaps the most ironic twist in the history of humankind, the alchemist had unwittingly created gunpowder. It's famous now for its association with firearms, but for a long time, gunpowder was only used to celebrate births, weddings, and other special occasions. At first, they only worked when you threw them in a fire, and they only produced bright, loud flashes, bursts of light that quickly faded into darkness.
Modern fireworks bear little resemblance to those from ancient China. Over the years, fireworks makers discovered how to make aerial fireworks, but it wasn't until 1830 that people were treated to the brightly colored explosions we enjoy today. Strontium, sodium, copper, barium, zirconium, magnesium, and titanium all burn at different temperatures, and thus give off different wavelengths of light. And, just like mixing paint colors, mixing minerals will yield different colors bursting across the sky on a starry night.
It takes all colors to put on a truly glorious fireworks show, and therefore, it takes all the minerals that produce those colors. Each mineral has individual qualities that make it shine the way it does.
Fortunately, our individuality as humans doesn't require us to immolate ourselves, but in our own way, we can shine just as brightly.
When we allow and consider all points of view, even those we might disagree with, we give everyone an opportunity to shine. Whether you're a hothead, a cool customer, or an eclectic mix, there's a place for you in Grant County. You have a unique mix of experience, character, and knowledge that deserves the opportunity to shine and be a part of the show. When we close ourselves off to other points of view, we end up with the equivalent of ancient fireworks – loud, bright flashes that vanish quickly and leave little impression when they're gone.
Together, we can make Grant County a grand, glorious show.
Happy 4th of July my friends.