"The Nightmare Before Christmas" is a Tim Burton masterpiece. Though it was directed by Henry Selick, it remains quintessentially Burtonian in its story and its vision. Jack's journey from boredom to renewed passion is something that has captivated moviegoers since the movie's release in 1993. It's an amazing fusion of the values of Christmas and Halloween, told in a brilliantly macabre fashion through Tim Burton's unique characters and artistic vision.

The film says a lot about the values we celebrate at Christmas time, such as forgiveness, generosity, and hope. But that's a discussion for another day. Since Halloween is fast approaching, let's look at how "The Nightmare Before Christmas is also the perfect Halloween movie.

There are the obvious nods to Halloween, of course. Jack is the Skeleton King, the ruler of Halloween Town tasked with creating the scares and thrills that Halloween is known for. Jack's boredom threatens to derail the holiday, and he goes on a long walk to try to regain a frightful holiday mood. There, he accidentally finds Christmas Town, a place of magic and beauty, a thing Jack has never before seen or even imagined.

After seeing the place, Jack does the most Halloween thing ever: he turns an entire holiday into a costume. Bad things follow and are only put right when he takes off the costume and resumes his own identity.

Jack's instinct, is of course, the foundation of our modern holiday. Yes, it's supposed to be about ghosts and goblins and spooky things, but at its heart, Halloween is a chance for kids to try on a new identity for a day, to express their loves, their fears, and their excitement. Halloween is really about exploring who we are as individuals.

We can scoff at the corporate takeover of Halloween, just like we do for all the holidays Jack saw in that strange clearing in the woods. But we can choose to ignore all the corporate hype and embrace the adventure of walking in someone else's shoes, pants, fur, or whatever one might encounter when donning a new appearance.

Let's be like Jack when he sings:
For a moment, why
I even touched the sky!
And at least I left some stories they can tell! I did!
And for the first time since
I can't remember when
I feel just like my own bony self again…
Trying on a new skin can teach you about someone else's life, but it's likely you'll also learn something new about yourself in the process.

The Chamber of Commerce wants to wish everyone in Grant County a safe, happy and enjoyable Halloween. Trick or Treat!