awed logoFree... Twice-a-Month... What you won't find in one place, anywhere else.

Enjoy the latest edition of our free, critically thinking Media Balance Newsletter...

We cover Climate to COVID, Elections to Education, Renewables to Religion — showing you what the mainstream media has revised or filtered out ...

If you missed it, here is the prior Newsletter.

Please use these links to pass on the Newsletter to other open-minded citizens via social media, etc. Anyone can subscribe (or unsubscribe) by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. me.

We are continuously working at making this twice-a-month publication more interesting, more useful and more accessible to our 20,000± readers.

Due to loyal supporters, the Newsletter has been published 16 years now — thank you! 

Please let me know the email of anyone you feel would appreciate getting this unique and powerful information.

John Droz, jr. physicist & citizen’s rights advocate

PS — My substack site is now quite popular!  It's about the lack of Critical Thinking relating to numerous societal matters (education, climate, energy, etc.). If you haven't already, signup for a FREE subscription. Enjoy and pass it on!

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