“Now prancing, now dancing, now standing still.” Do you remember this childhood riddle? We’re going to talk about your teeth and mouth care.

Do you have any idea what’s in the toothpaste you use two or more times a day to polish your mouth ponies? We’re going to delve into this issue and end up with some nice alternatives.

One of the most frequently touted ingredients is fluoride. Because the topic is so. huge, I will deal with it in another post.That leaves about 12 or more ingredients that may be in that tube. One that was popular with toothpaste manufacturers was later banned in soaps but was still regarded as “safe” by the FDA to put into your mouth.. However, that Triclosan is a pesticide and was added as an antibacterial agent which was still in use as of January 2020. (You are not a pest! I don’t care who told you that you were!)

Mathew Redinbo was a professor of chemistry at the UNC-Chapel lHill College of Arts &Sciences when he wrote an article for the School of Medicine which spoke of how this chemical could contribute to inflammatory bowel disorders.


Later tests showed that it accumulated in the gall bladder, liver and kidney. Animal studies suggest that it may adversely effect the thyroid gland. Perhaps of more concern is its negative effect on the mitochondria (energy producer in the cells), and may cause problems with the immune system as well as affecting the body usage of calcium and zinc.

Imagine children brushing with this toothpaste and swallowing some as they are prone to do. It’s also rapidly absorbed by capillaries under the tongue. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6126357/ Does this convince you to read labels?

Another chemical added to toothpaste to give it that eye-popping white, is Titanium Dioxide. The Environmental Working Group is concerned that it may be carcinogenic and could be toxic to our reproductive organs. It listed over 50 different toothpastes under the “moderate Hazard” label for this reason, https://www.ewg.org/skindeep/browse/ingredients/706561TITANIUM_DIOXIDE/?category=toothpaste&ingredient_id=706561TITANIUM_DIOXIDE&page=4

Another chemical that is widely used in other products as well as toothpaste is Sodium lauryl Sulfate (SLS) which as been used as a detergent and industrial cleaner. It’s used in toothpaste as a foaming agent  DDS Mark Burhenne in “Experience Life,”  February 28, 2019 indicated that it ’s an insecticide that can cause organ toxicity. It irritates the tender mouth tissues which can “lead to canker sores.”

Manufacturers may not use its real name but hide it under such delectables as sodium dodecyl sulfate SDS, monodecyl ester sodium salt, sulfuric acid, and other chemicals.

Perhaps you go for blue toothpaste or another color other than white. Artificial colors are often used to please your eyes. Dr. Mark Burhenne spoke of studies that link artificial coloring chemistry to ADHD or hyperactivity in children. There are many sites that go into a deep dive on the toxicity of food dyes in food as well as other things we put into our mouths. I wrote about them in the past and the post may still be there to find  and read.

Toothpaste manufacturers really go for chemicals. Parabens is another one with almost hidden side effects. They are known to disrupt hormones and accumulate in our bodies. It s been thought to increase the risk of breast cancer. For those who are trying to lose weight, this is implicated in “adiposity,” which means it is not your friend.

Pregnant mothers who are regularly exposed to parabens appear to increase the possibility that the baby to be born may have difficulties controlling their weight that will dog them for many years. Parabens also interfere with estrogens which may also add to the possibility of their gaining weight. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9740922/

They are in some personal care products, food and cosmetics. So, why do manufacturers use this chemical?  They presumably are used to prevent bacteria, yeast and mold. Source: Melissa Breyer, Producer, Care2 Green Living (Old document on my computer.) She also cited studies which implicated parabens as being associated  prostate and testicular cancer in men. Again, may I urge you to read labels?

Propylene Glycol has been classed by the FDA as generally recognized as safe. However, if you read Sharyl Attkisson’s book, “Follow the Science,” you will quickly come to the conclusion that things once considered safe may not be so.The industrial form of this chemical is in antifreeze, paint and detergent solvents. It’s known to irritate eyes, skin, and lungs.

It can be added to food (or toothpaste) to thicken products like salad dressings, soup blends, soft drinks and baking mixes, flavored teas, flavor extracts, ice cream flavors, sour cream, marshmallows and processed foods. It enhances the flavor of popcorn. It also increases shelf life of products, acts as a solvent for plastic and paint.  https://www.webmd.com/diet/what-to-know-about-propylene-glycol-in-foods.

Then we have carrageenan which is made from Irish moss or red seaweed. It is a thickening agent and has created inflammation in the intestinal track including ulcerations in the colon. As it’s processed it can degrade to a form that’s a known carcinogen.

 It’s found in tofu, coconut milk, organic yogurt, baby formula and nitrite-free turkey slices. So, lets look at some of the dangers and side effects. Inflammatory bowel disorder, birth defects, colorectal and liver cancer, insulin resistance, and immune suppression. For more information, go to: 


Some toothpastes contain Aspartame. When this substance is digested, it breaks down into methanol (known as the moonshine chemical). Pilots were at one time told not to fly after drinking sodas containing aspartame. The reason was for the unhappy tendency for them to have seizures when piloting the plane.  https://flightinfo.com/threads/diet-drinks-is-aspartame-restricted.20940/

Other symptoms include, numbness in the hands, blurred vision leading to blindness and destruction of the optic nerve, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, suppression of the central nervous system which included confusion, and drowsiness. Some patients progress to Parkinson’s disease because of lesions in parts of the brain. The damage can permanently destroy parts of the brain. It can also damage the pancreas, liver and kidneys. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8187162/

By the way, methanol is used in antifreeze, glass cleaner and paint thinners.

This chemical further breaks down into formaldehyde which has even worse symptoms. It’s used in embalming, leather tanning and wood finishing.


I haven’t used toothpaste for years. Here are two products I’ve found useful. Ipsab is a powdered cleaner that has baking soda, salt, prickly ash bark (soothes gums) and peppermint (breath freshness.) 

The other product I often alternate with is Eco-Dent which also uses soda and salt, plus ingredients like myrrh which is like an antiseptic (kills germs) and helps heal mouth sores. The added calcium and magnesium carbonates work together to help maintain healthy teeth. Magnesium is said to be involved in over 300 enzyme reactions in the body such as energy production.


Tartaric acid. Is found in grapes and other fruits. In small doses, it increases the working power of calcium and magnesium. https://byjus.com/chemistry/tartaric-acid/

Sodium methyl cocoyl taurate is from the coconut. It’s a gentle foaming agent.

Dicalcium phosphate dihydrate is another form of calcium which is helpful in keeping teeth and bone healthy. It can help clean teeth. Its found in such things as breakfast cereal and some pastas.  

Hydrated silica is used to clean plaque and stains from teeth without damaging the enamel.   https://braveinbloom.com/blogs/ingredients-glossary/hydrated-silica-in-beauty-health-skincare-wellness-and-beyond

Anethole is a flavoring agent taken from anise and fennel. It tastes a bit like licorice. It’s antifungal and antimicrobial, calms inflammation and has anticancer effects. In the small amount used in this product it appears to be beneficial.

This is not a comprehensive listing of toothpaste additives. But it touches on most with the exception of fluoride which I’ll address in another post,

Another alternative you might want to consider is a do-it-yourself- tooth powder, Here's a recipe from https://abetterwaytothrive.com/easy-homemade-tooth-powder/

Baking soda, bentonite clay (Redmond’s bentonite clay) Use code THRIVE at checkout for 15% off at Redmond, according to this site.  NonGMO xylitol gives a sweet flavor and appears to improve oral health.

She adds activated charcoal to lift stains and whiten teeth. However, it's an abrasive and must be only finely ground. Sea salt is cleaning and promotes healthy microbiome in the mouth. Ground herbs, spices and essential oils not only flavor the mixture but some oils are antimicrobial. She has a long list of herbs and spices for possible use. Kristen Smith is a herbalist and aromatherapist at the above site.

When looking to care for ourselves in order to remove toxic chemicals from our intake, we may have to allow ourselves to let go of fears and allow ourselves to be creative. 

More people are coming out of the box the chemical industries have put us in. So, here’s to an adventurous spirit and note the results.

Nancy Pidutti, PhD, NHH, nurse, author, hospital Chaplain, etc.