That statement seems radical, but see for yourself. It’s an unwanted residue in much of our food. HealthDay News July 12, 2022, made the statement that most Americans have this weed killer in their urine. It’s been called “probably carcinogenic to humans” by the World Health Organization International Agency for Research on Cancer.

Let’s dig deeper. Glyphosate is the chemical in Roundup, a weedkiller (herbicide) that many people have used. They can be exposed to it in food, on golf courses, and in household yard use, and company employees who do landscape maintenance are likely candidates, and the general populace from residuals left from that treatment.

However, of even more concern is the frequent use on grains like oats and wheat to “ripen” crops. Translated that means that Roundup is sprayed on foods we commonly consume to make the grain more easy to separate from the chaff. However, it is absorbed. When we eat these foods, they move into our bodies with harmful results.

Another problem is that a number of our crops were genetically modified to tolerate this herbicide. That means it would kill the weed next to it, but allow the treated food crop to survive. It would also kill the bees which pollinate the crops. If you want a technical description of what glyphosate does to a plant, consider going to and explore their article “Glyphosate in Water: What You Need to Know.”

So, let’s look at some ways glyphosate can get into your food chain and therefore your body. Soy has been touted as a healthy protein. However, according to about 94% of soy is genetically engineered (GE) or (modified as GMO) and will be tainted with glyphosate.

How about corn? Many of us remember going into a family cornfield, shucking the ear and either eating it raw off the cob or having it cooked for dinner. That wonderful smell permeated the house. However, the corn we live with today has mostly been genetically engineered to tolerate Roundup. Roundup is a herbicide (cide means to kill) and the active ingredient is glyphosate.

When I wrote a paper in 2021, I shared about a scientific journal, Entropy, that had an article on glyphosate. They claimed that it was responsible for “the development of multiple chronic diseases and conditions.”

Glyphosate prevents gut bacteria from creating the necessary protein building blocks (amino acids) we need for health and wholeness. The nutrients we take in from our foods need these amino acids to piggyback together for them to properly enter body cells.

Consider looking up for a July 18, 2023 article, “Report Exposes the Pesticide Industry Playbook.” If you look at their article, “Who Owns Organic,” it will shock you to discover how many “health” brands have been bought up by big businesses. 

Here are a few surprises. Campbell Soup owns Swanson, Pacific, and Kettle brand foods. General Mills owns Cascadian Farms, and Annies. Coca Cola owns Suja. Kellogg owns “bear naked,” “gardenburger,” Kashi, and “pure organic.” JAB HOLDING, a  Multinational Conglomeration owns Mighty Leaf. Cargill owns “Dakota.”

If you research these companies you will quickly see that some of them are business conglomerates and not the customer-friendly companies of bygone years. So food has become big business. They can add what they want to their “organic” brands and we may know from the label and we may not. They no longer are obligated to put everything on the label that they put in the food. also lists companies that are not beholden to big business. Mountain High Organics, Miyokos, Nature’s Path Organic, Numi Organic Tea, Organic Valley, Tierra Farm, Traditional Medicinals.

Let’s see what glyphosate does to the body. According to  here are some of the consequences of consuming this chemical. A mother who is pregnant and consuming this toxic chemical endangers the growing baby in her womb. It can mess with pathways in the baby that alter the way the nervous system and therefore the brain grows and develops. It can inflame the nerves and lead to nerve cell death. 

I finally saw the possibility of autism being associated with glyphosate toxicity. I wondered if it also triggered ADHD. Is it possible that these chemicals are a contributing factor to the growing number of babies who are affected by these conditions.?

Glyphosate blocks certain pathways in the body that cause a decrease in protein use in the body. If certain amino acids are not able to function, it can wreck the function of a number of organs, glands, cells, and systems.

It has been found in the urine of farm animals and farmers, but residues are also in the urine of 60-80% of the U.S. population. It’s thought that chronic exposure is part of the culprit.

The liver tries to render harmless the toxic chemicals we consume. The problem is this. Many of the chemicals we’re exposed to are not easy to detoxify. The liver may attempt to function properly, but the result may be even more toxic than before its effort. The reason is that the body isn’t programmed to deal with the complexity, the number of different chemicals, and the effects of repeated exposure.

If the liver isn’t able to detox a certain chemical, it may then go into the cell and become stored in the fat tank or reservoir within a cell. Then if a person is under a lot of stress or exposed to other toxic chemicals, or their immune system becomes compromised, the toxin becomes released and may cause stress to the liver and kidneys. A person may just not feel good while the toxic chemical is circulating. It may cause headaches or other symptoms with no known cause.

Another problem with glyphosate is the commercial addition of what are called adjuvants. They are chemicals meant to make glyphosate more effective. (Similar chemicals are added to vaccines with the same purpose.) This may mean that the person consuming a food laced with both chemicals may develop a host of symptoms that seem to have no apparent cause.

Glyphosate formulas can cross the blood-brain barrier. This may cause problems with memory and possibly lead to early cell death by apoptosis. Apoptosis happens when a cell is no longer able to function properly. A new cell is prepared to take its place and the old cell disintegrates.

A person may be exposed to glyphosate by using Roundup on weeds around their property. The effects of toxic exposure may not show up for a couple of days. That’s another reason why symptoms may not be easily connected to the previous exposure.

Another side effect of glyphosate exposure is an increase in free radicals being circulated in the body. They are molecules that are short of an electron. They bump into a cell that has the proper number of them. It then takes it from the healthy cell. The result is that the once healthy cell becomes a free radical searching for another electron. This process robs the body of proper cell function which contributes to a decline in good health.

In studying the document on, I saw the complexity of ways it can damage the brain and nervous system. This is especially toxic to babies and young children. However, in adults, it can apparently trigger nervous disorders such as Parkinson’s disease.

It can also affect an adult’s attention and their ability to learn and recall the information once learned. Basically, memory impairment may be the result of chronic exposure. There are other complexities with various brain areas that can trigger depression or anxiety. It is apparent that this chemical also adversely affects the mitochondria. That is the little organelle within each cell that helps with energy production. So, a result might be a feeling of chronic low energy or fatigue.

Apoptosis may be increased as a result of oxidation caused by the toxic chemicals. Overall, that may increase the symptoms of aging. Another problem is the possibility of affecting reproduction ability. There is evidence that because of its affect on male hormones, it may reduce the ability to have viable sperm. It appears to also affect female hormone production as well. goes into detail about these possibilities.

It is thought that it may make a woman more prone to breast cancer. From animal studies, there is an indication that it may also adversely affect kidney function. These studies also indicated that glyphosate increased the “frequency of testis, kidney, ovary, and prostate diseases as well as obesity.” Might this adversely affect humans? indicates that glyphosate is present in oat-based products. California scientists and the World Health Organization detected glyphosate in 43 or 45 oat-based products. They also found it in buckwheat, barley, kidney beans, and chickpea products.

It is less present in organic foods because it’s banned in organic farming. The problem is that it can drift with the wind. If farmer A sprays his crop, it can move onto the fields of farmer B who doesn’t use it.

This above site also spells out the long-term health risks. Although some resist the idea of it being a cause of cancer, there is enough evidence to indicate that it may be a trigger. It can also affect the liver and the kidneys, diminishing their proper function. It may be a risk for pregnant women and their children.

Although most of the money pathways are obscure, I can’t help but wonder if those who claim glyphosate is harmless have a vested interest in saying so.

It can be overwhelming when we realize how many toxins are in our foods. Packaged foods often contain more than those that are less processed. So, here is an option for healthier bread.

Europe has long been more careful with toxic exposure to their food systems and people. Some individuals have started using Einkorn flour, traditionally from Europe. Thrive Market is one of several sources of this ancient grain. People who travel to Europe can eat the bread there without gas, discomfort, or tummy rumbles. It hasn’t been genetically altered or exposed to toxic chemicals.

There’s a Youtube called “Is Einkorn the Best Grain??” Another one is “Master the Basics, All About Einkorn Flour,” in which the program “Mary’s Nest” talks about how to use einkorn berries to make flour. If you look at the Youtube list, there are many other video presentations. Those who make sourdough bread claim to have better health results as the phytic acid that naturally occurs in wheat is changed by the souring process. This makes it more digestible.

This could easily have been two columns because there is so much information on glyphosate. Hopefully, this has made you aware of the danger of that chemical and yet offered you a reasonable option for the health and safety of your family.

It takes work to stay healthy, but the rewards are well worth the effort.

Nancy Pidutti, PhD, NHH, RN, Chaplain, Author.

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