When I wrote the column on your teeth, I promised to write on fluoride. It has now become a really hot topic. People, who stand pro and con, vigorously defend their viewpoints. This often leaves the public confused in the wake of their rhetoric. So, let’s examine it rationally and let you determine which side of the issue you want to use to guide your life.
If you’ve ever watched a young child scrub their teeth, they often look at the substance on the brush, then taste it. It’s usually brightly colored to grab their attention. Then it has flavors in the mix and may have cartoon figures on the box or container. All the better to make it seem very special to a child and the purchasing parent.
At first taste, depending on the flavoring agent used, the child may widen their eyes at this yummy stuff and swallow some in the process of whatever brushing they do. If they did, they just ingested a toxic amount of fluoride which is considered a hazardous waste by those who manufacture certain products and are all too glad to sell it to the dental industries.
“Fluoridation….is about industry getting rid of its hazardous waste at a profit….”
This is a quote from a document, “Fluoridation: The Fraud of the Century,” which is one of a series of pieces showing just how toxic the stuff in toothpaste and mouth rinses is. This came from a site I’ll tell you about shortly.
One of the best, most qualified and thoroughly researched voices around is the old Weston Price Foundation. Dr. Price was a dentist who traveled the world examining teeth, mouth structure, and overall health. He came to the conclusion that what we put into our mouths and bodies was the most significant thing relating to dental health.
I went to their site, https://www/westonaprice.org and found more helpful information. There are many other sites springing up like mushrooms after a rain. This site confirmed what I recalled as a historic relationship between fluoride and the early atom bomb era near the end of World War II.
Fluoride was used in making uranium for the atom bomb. It was altered in structure but still very toxic to humans. There are a number of industries that have fluoride left over from their production processes. Some of these sell their waste fluoride to certain cities who then use it in their water supplies. So why is this so bad?
Let’s look at what fluoride does to the human body. In the first place, topically, it can strengthen teeth. However, excessive amounts can make them brittle and more prone to cavities. If swallowed it negatively impacts a number of vital glands and organs. For instance, let’s look at what it does to the thyroid gland.
I’ve come to trust Dr.Izabella Wentz, PharMD because of her personal knowledge of thyroid issues, her years of research and teachings that have helped others with thyroid problems, particularly low thyroid activity (hypothyroidism).
Here are some of the symptoms of an improperly working thyroid gland: chronic fatigue, feeling exhausted after sleep, hair loss, brittle fingernails, weight gain, panic attacks, and mental fatigue. Research is also implicating that toxicity from fluoride is causing difficulty in memory, retention and recall.
On the other end of the spectrum, some people have an overactive gland, but that’s unusual for people who are drinking fluoridated water and or using toothpaste and rinse containing this substance. Most who are affected by fluoride feel sluggish mentally and physically.
Here’s one of the reasons why fluoride is a problem for the thyroid gland. Our body glands and organs are amazingly intricate and often interdependent on one another for proper function. The thyroid gland needs a certain amount of another halogen substance called iodine for healthy function. Fluoride pushes available iodine out and takes its place within the structure of the gland. Since it doesn’t help the gland, its toxic effects prevent it from working properly. It’s like putting oil in your gas tank and expecting your car to run. https://www.palomahealth.com/learn/impact-fluoride-thyroid-health
The other problem is that if your thyroid gland doesn’t work well, the intricacy of interaction with other organs and glands will falter as well. This is one reason why the GI (gastrointestinal) tract may become sluggish, or in some instances go into overdrive.
Fluoride has been implicated in developmental issues in children’s learning ability. If it's negatively impacting the thyroid gland, (and it is) the brain is also affected, primarily by toxicity and secondarily by deprivation of needed nerve nutrients and impulses relating to memory and retrieval.
Here is a list of some symptoms from fluoride poisoning taken from Dr. Price’s site.
They include fluorosis of the teeth which is likely the first symptom. That is a discoloration of the teeth. Some areas look brown, or black and some look chalky. Symptoms progress in the GI tract with stomach cramps or pain, constipation or very dark stools, feelings of nausea and vomiting or faintness, loss of appetite, sores in the mouth or on the lips. Then it progresses to general body affects such as weakness, aching bones, muscle stiffness, tremors or shallow breathing and brain fog.
So, is it possible that such things that have been diagnosed as chronic fatigue, autoimmune disorders or rheumatoid arthritis are really related to fluoride toxicity and its resulting affect on the thyroid gland?
Fluoride accumulates in the body and is not easily eliminated, so the longer time of exposure and the amount consumed by water, tea, coffee, (all made with fluoridated water) and sodas, the more symptoms are apt to show up.
Fluoride interacts with needed body elements such as proteins and enzymes. It can prevent enzymes from doing their job, It messes with the mitochondria (can even cause them to die) which is another reason why people feel exhausted. It can negatively impact sperm production and raises inflammation in the body. It slows the immune system function and inhibits white blood cell formation. It also is detrimental to some of the intricate cellular function, decreasing their effectiveness. https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC7261729/
So, back to children. The kindest thing parents can do for their children is to make up a baking soda, Himalayan salt mixture and flavor it with a drop or two of clove, cinnamon or orange essential oil. Giving them liposomal vitamin C will help detox their bodies which may result in healthier mental and emotional function. https://draxe.com/nutrition/liposomal-vitamin-c/. https://drjockers.com/health-benefits-liposomal-vitamin-c/
I realize this is all controversial. However, the sources I’ve shared are very reputable. Check them out and use the information to reevaluate what you want to do about dental care.
Nancy L. Pidutti, PhD, NHH, Chaplain, author, nurse.