Did you know that 21 countries in the world have banned this herbicide? Although Mexico and Costa Rica have banned it in our part of the earth, the U.S. FDA continues to approve its use.
This common weedkiller doesn't just kill weeds. It lowers sperm counts which fits nicely with Mr. G. and others who think we have way too many people on this planet. He works hard to do his best to lessen the population.
Dr. Zach Bush has done much to alert the public about the dangers of this toxin. He mentions, on his site, about a study done in 2011 by the Centers for Disease and Control (CDC). They found that 54% of children by the time they were 17 had damage to their hormone, immune, lungs and nervous systems and more. https://zachbushmd.com/gmo/glyphosate-toxins/
I looked at the site, posted in Academic Pediatrics and saw there were 20 chronic health problems they looked at. Their main focus was on adequate health insurance, but it was telling that so many children have such poor quality of health
By 2016, one in 14 children had developmental disabilities, 1 in 28 boys had autism spectrum disorder and 1 in 10 had attention deficit disorder. Many of these children are so compromised that they have difficulty with self-care.
Dr. Bush posted that "we spray more than 4.5 billion pounds of Glyphosate into soil, on plants and in the water systems of our planet." Then there are those plants that have been genetically modified to tolerate glyphosate. That means that we are getting even more exposure.
Farmers were taught to spray their seed crops with glyphosate to make the grain fall from the stem of plants. Seeds have oil in them which means the substance penetrates into the germ of the seed and those humans and animals that eat them are getting this nerve toxin into their own systems. No wonder so many are sick.
Here are some of the disorders that show up. Dementia in women, Parkinson's in men, autoimmune disorders, and an increase in cancer and autism.
On the positive side, Dr. Bush is part of "Farmer's Footprint" whose goal is to reclaim and regenerate 5 million acres of farmland. J. I. Rodale was the one who got me interested in organic farming. He took a wasted acreage and made it into a model farm by organic methods. His cattle did not get the highly contagious anthrax that happened to the cattle on the neighboring property.
So, why is glyphosate toxic? Although "Fact check"ers don't care for Dr. Brian Ardis, he is the one that opened my eyes to see the dangers of weed killers, in particular "Roundup." I always supposed the fact that they acted as nerve toxins was the reason they were so toxic, however, Dr. Ardis ran into a stunning discovery.
His research began with the story of his wife's lengthy illness. He had her blood tested by a specialty lab and they reported back to him that his wife's blood contained snake venom! On a hunch, he took Roundup to the same lab and they found 7 venoms in the product from different snakes plus the toxic cone snail "Roundup plus had 11." He sees it as a promoter of cancer. He did say the venom could be synthetic, but if so, why did it copy and/or mimic these poisonous critters?
"Monsanto has research studies" and "own the largest patent library of venoms used as insecticides." https://www.facebook.com/reel/1500287827223272
As an aside, do any of you recall a large tractor trailer truck having an accident which released a huge number of rattlers in the past year in the SW? Brave people had to use infrared to locate them and hopefully they got them all. It was a huge red flag for me and highlighted the possibility that there was truth in his findings.
In case you've never heard of Dr. Ardis, he's a Chiropractor, Acupuncturist, and researcher. He has had two Functional Medical practices in Tennessee and Texas. Patients have come to him from 16 different countries of the world. He is passionate about seeing people recover from Covid-19, the vax, autoimmune disorders and other health disorders.
He 's been a guest speaker at medical conferences all over the world. He 's been interviewed on documentaries, appeared on television as a guest and created and co-founded a wellness conference, "Healing for the A.G.E.S." He also has a weekly podcast, "The Dr. Ardis Show."
Washing all produce is a good idea, however, it only cleanses the outside. Sadly, the consumer will still take into their bodies the substances that have entered into the plant's circulatory system.
So, what can we do to protect ourselves? Dr. Ardis has a protocol that has been effective for many people. If you go to his site, he can give you all kinds of information about it. On top of that, I learned a long time ago that vitamin C is helpful in detoxing our bodies. Some things I take for life and trust that it's one of the reasons I've lived for so long.
In this day of quick fixes, we have to come to terms that the assaults against our bodies are not ending until there are major changes in the way corporations do things. So, we must learn to eat and take nutrients that will help us cope and live well. That's a far cry from the old concept of "living to eat."
Eating wisely, and organically, taking supplements, and learning to listen to our bodies instead of T.V. ads that tell which of their pills to take is smart. None of us want to have the debilitating disorders that plague so many of our people today. By providing the body with as many healthy nutrients and supplements as possible, it goes a long way to enhancing our every day life. (By the way, Joe and I pray over each of our meals as added insurance.)
Stay healthy, my friends.
Nancy L. Pidutti, PhD, NHH, Chaplain, author, nurse, etc.