How many of you have nonstick cooking pots and pans? They are nice to prevent food from sticking to the surface, but are you aware of the hazards of these products?

Teflon and the forever chemicals that come with them are challenging for and destructive to your health. They have been known to contribute to all kinds of problems including malfunction of the thyroid gland, weight gain to the point of obesity, auto-immune diseases, and testicular and kidney cancer.

Did you know that the citizens of Parkersburg, West Virginia did a class action law suit on Dupont who manufactured these products? They contaminated the water and the air people breathed. Many people became ill with a variety of odd symptoms that later became labeled “Teflon flu.” (By the way, I did 3 years of nurses training in Parkersburg. So during that time I was also breathing and taking it in through water or the strong, walk-away-from-the-pot-coffee we all drank in those days.)

Those who worked in the factory fared even worse with symptoms ranging from headaches, chills, fever, muscle aches or cramps, exhaustion, coughing, nausea, bad taste in the mouth, sweating and coughs.

Animals were also sensitive to the chemicals which include a family of “forever chemicals,” or PTFE, chemically  known as polytetrafluorethylene, a long lasting polymer. “There were 267 reports of suspected polymer fever reported to the U. S. Poison Centers in 2023.” This number is 2 1/2 times those reported in 2018. “What is Teflon Flu?” By Ahjane’Forbes  

Few people know to report these symptoms to the Poison Control Center. Even less would recognize that they came from using their Teflon cookware. A number of pet birds have died from inhaling the fumes which cause swelling in the lungs with fluid buildup, leading to sluggishness, wobbling, seizures and death. No fun for the owners who may not be aware of the cause.

Teflon is also used on drip pans, waffle irons, cloth irons, ironing board covers, heating elements and muffin tins. When it’s “heated to high temperatures, it releases toxic particles and acidic, toxic gases.” Since these gases have no odor, people don’t realize they are taking them into their own lungs. They may not connect the sudden death of their pet bird in another room to what’s coming from their stove.

Teflon was discovered by accident by Dr Roy J. Plunkett in 1938. A project he was working on had a surprise ending when a frozen sample of a simpler chemical turned into a more complex form that was a white, waxy solid. It was extremely slippery and almost indestructible. It was used to treat cookware and be part of the stain repellent in fabrics and textiles.

In fact, it was said to be used in the construction of the early atom bomb. However the secrecy surrounding the project made that difficult to confirm. It is used in nuclear weapons laboratories.

When it was found to be toxic as it was heated to a certain point, Dupont changed the formulation with a tiny tweak. That chemical was also toxic and are named per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS). They waterproof raincoats (Gore-Tex), grease-proof fast-food wrappers, and coat dental floss and artificial heart valves. In a 2015, it was found the chemicals were now in 97% of all blood sampled. These long-lasting chemicals can mess with immunity and other normal body functions. Anyone for brain fog?

The Environmental Protection Agency claims that PFAS can reduce fertility, increase the risk of prostate cancer, make vaccines less effective and harm children’s development.

Digging into that, we find that it may cause asthma in children, allergies and suppress their immune system causing them to be vulnerable to infections and skin disorders. In fact, it can adversely affect the developing infant in the womb by permanently damaging their immune system. It may also mess with their metabolism (thyroid function) and the development of their nervous system. These chemicals can also be transmitted to a breast feeding infant. Is it any wonder so many children are weak and disabled?

There is concern among researchers about the future for these children. They suspect that they may be more vulverable to such things as “obesity, insulin resistance, increased risk for fatty liver disease and potentially cancer.” (David Andrews, Sr. scientist at the Environmental Working Group)

Other places where we can find PFAS, PFOS (perflurooctane sulfonic acid, or PFOA (perfluorooctanoic acid), are in plastic beverage cups, cell phones, commercial aicraft and low-emission vehicles.

To study the effects of PFAS on metabolism, Dr. Lida Chatzi, professor at USC’s Keck School of Medicine indicates that high-resolution mass spectrometry enables them to study every chemical in human blood. There are over 10,000 of them.

The concern is that this chemical soup in the blood can retard puberty development, thyroid function, elevate cholesterol levels, prevent fertility, and set the children up for future diseases and disorders.

Suggestions from the experts besides changing cookware is to avoid microwave popcorn or takeout containers, greasy food wrapped in coated paper. Check makeup and personal care products. Cosmetics claiming to be “wear-resistant” or “long-lasting” have the highest levels of PFAS compounds. Use waxy or uncoated dental floss. The Environmental Working Group has a huge database on personal care products.

Some women develop serious allergic reactions to pads, tampons, or even toilet paper. Infant and adult diapers are also suspect.

Another point of concern relating to our cookware is that surfaces do scratch and pit over time. The whole surface starts to degrade and the PFAS chemicals can give off fumes. 

Your liver is a chief organ for detoxification of chemicals in the body. The miles of capillaries can easily become clogged making it less effective and causing a build up of foreign chemicals. Drinking pure, filtered water is helpful as are herbs that support liver function. We’ll look at that another time.

Knowledge is the first step to protecting our bodies in this chemical age. Please do what you need to do to stay healthy. (I’ve thrown away many pots and pans.)

Nancy L. Pidutti, PhD (NHH), nurse, author, hospital Chaplain.