The last post may have triggered questions for you, but it’s important to realize that this is not the safe world that our grandparents lived in. However, if we know the right things to do, we can overcome the challenges that have been placed in our paths. In this post , I’ll deal with such things as parasites, bacteria, candida and biofilms.

No one likes the idea that there may be something other than good and sometimes bad bacteria that can live in your gut. Many are aware of  H-pylori which can cause painful irritations in the stomach lining. It’s a type of bacteria, that, left untreated, can cause a person to be prone to peptic ulcers and even stomach cancer.

According to webmed, 2/3 of the people in the world have this in their body.

Most medical treatments involve the use of antibiotics. For those who choose alternatives, there is a list of things that can be helpful. Realize, that if a person has had this for a long time, they may need antibiotics along with natural substances.

Natural substances include cranberries, broccoli, garlic and licorice.

Other natural substances have been studied, such as Manuka honey, which has antibacterial effects. Olive oil reduces the growth of this bacteria, as did licorice root and broccoli sprouts. Curcumin found in turmeric prevented H. Pylori from damaging stomach cells. It was thought to be beneficial in combination with antibiotics.

Parasites include amoeba, round worms, tape worms, pinworms, flukes, hookworms and protozoa. A number of these are susceptible to a combination of potent herbs. These include black walnut, sweet wormwood, (both of these are quite bitter), garlic, oregano oil, (even effective against MRSA), mimosa pudica (Can prevent pregnancy and not recommended for pregnant women), neem oil, grapefruit seed, and clove. For a complete list and other important information, check Dr. Jocker’s site at

Realize that children often pick up parasites from animals or human friends who may have them. Some are found on certain vegetables that are not properly cleansed. (Some people use vinegar water to rinse even the ones that are claimed to be washed for us.)

Fermented foods help keep out GI (gastro-intestinal tract) healthy. Others that may be helpful are pomegranate and coconut products. We keep a bottle of digestive enzymes on our table to take during meals and also regularly use probiotics to keep the inner tract filled with good bacteria. Another good resource is: 

Candida albicans is considered a fungus or yeast that often troubles women. It can not only be in the vaginal tract, but can also grow in other warm moist areas such as armpits, and under heavy breasts. It creates biofilms which attracts a colony of the yeast which is hard to get rid of.

Things considered helpful is the use of coconut oil which contains caprylic acid. It breaks down the walls of the yeast cells and causes them to rupture. That destroys the yeast cell. Some people use coconut oil by mouth in salad dressings.

Oregano leaf extract halts the growth of candida, reduces inflammation and helps good bacteria to thrive. Garlic and grapefruit seed extract are other antifungals that also have antibacterial and antiviral abilities.

Berberine is a useful herb that strengthens the immune system as well as kills parasites. It can also remove giardia (also a parasite).

Once, when I looked up biofilms, I was told in multiple ways that it was misinformation. Thankfully, there is more information about this now. Did you know that dental plaque is an example of a bacterial biofilm? Cystic fibrosis is a biofilm that can form in the lungs. 

The biofilm forms small colonies held together with a type of body sugar that creates a type of slime. It also allows some of its citizens to burrow into body tissues. It’s made up of prokaryotic cells that can contain bacteria and other invaders.

Most biofilms are resistant to antibiotics. However, they are sensitive to many of the natural substances we’ve already looked at. Olive oil, monuka honey, propolis (particularly effective with candida), coconut oil, garlic, ginger, cranberry and apple cider vinegar.

All alternative practitioners would recommend cutting down or cutting out sugar. The reason is that many of these critters feed on sugar and welcome it in your diet. They also steal nutrients which you would take as food or supplements.

That includes avoiding carbohydrates from grains as bread, cake and pastries

Eat more raw foods, such as garlic, pumpkin seeds, pomegranates, beets, and carrots, all of which can be used to kill parasites

Eat more fiber. Fiber is found in a variety of veggies,(including celery, radishes, sweet potatoes, broccoli, asparagus, acorn squash, green peas, carrots, and cauliflower.

Other foods high in fiber include apples, avocados, strawberries, mangos, almonds, pecans, walnuts, chia seeds, peanuts, and a variety of beans.

Consume probiotics to keep the digestive tract healthy

Use digestive enzymes to restore health to the digestive tract to make it a poor environment for parasites to live in

Use supplements, such as vitamin C or zinc, for symptom relief.

I know this is a lot to digest, but in this day of toxins in our foods, we are wise to gather information. If you can find a professional who has a background in alternative treatments, it’s recommended to check with them concerning amounts to be consumed of the various substances I’ve mentioned.

Although I have a PhD in Natural Health and Healing, I do not see patients. My job is to be an investigative journalist and give you information which you can explore. I want to offer hope to you that there are natural substances that can remove some of the symptoms you have. I did not explore symptoms here. Each of these sites offers many organ, gland and body system helpers that can be of benefit in a wide variety of ways.

If you can grow a garden, consider hydroponics, especially during winter months. The water bath can grow roots on certain of your produce that can later be planted. In some climates you will need grow lights.

A relative had a small herb garden in her kitchen that supplied thyme, parsley, basil and a few others. Even sprouting can be helpful as many sprouts contain more active nutrients than mature plants contain.

It takes work to stay well in our world today. Be hopeful and explore your possibilities.

Nancy L. Pidutti, PhD, Nurse, Author, Hospital Chaplain