We're giving our staff a break this week; we won't be sending a newsletter again until Sunday's Calendar mailing. We wish you and yours safe travels and a Happy Thanksgiving!
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"Go Natural for Good Health"
In the decade between the 1980s and 1990s, Nancy Pidutti wrote many local health columns. Later, she wrote a two-and-a-half year, monthly health newsletter, called GǣLet's Be Healthy."
She will be sharing some updated versions from her newsletter on a wide variety of topics.
You might find her newest book, "How to Stay Healthy in a World Gone Mad: A Handbook for Kingdom Living," an interesting addition to these columns.
I'm going to change horses in mid-stream, so to say. There are many other helpful nutrients I could write about, including more vitamins and a large list of minerals and other goodies. However, I've become increasingly concerned about the chemicals put into our foods, especially those aimed at children. So, I'm going to begin a series to help you learn to be savvy and protective for the sake of your children and grands.
Food dyes have been with us for a long time. They started out being manufactured from coal tar. Sound tasty? Now they are made from petroleum. Yum? Many have other additives which is why they are classed as "artificial food dyes."
Biotin has been called by other names, such as Vitamin H, and B7. It does some of the same types of actions as other B family members do. It helps with digestion and utilization of carbs, proteins and fats.
It's very helpful to pregnant women as it can overcome extreme nausea and vomiting. If a woman is deficient, it may increase the possibility of a baby coming prematurely and may restrict its growth and proper development.
If a woman chooses to breastfeed her baby, it's suggested that she may need two or three times the amount of biotin that she would normally take during pregnancy. health.com. "Benefits of Biotin."
Most people haven't heard that Vitamin B 6 exists. However, according to ods.od.nih.gov it's involved in over 100 enzyme processes in your body. They're mainly related to the way your body uses and metabolizes protein, as well as certain carbs and fats.
B 6 strengthens your immune system by helping produce white blood cells and hemoglobin in red blood cells. The particular WBC are those that remove viruses and bacteria. The hemoglobin in RBC, on the other hand, are the oxygen carriers to your cells. As hemoglobin passes into the cell, the cell releases carbon dioxide, which is then carried back to the lungs where it's expelled in your breath.
Remember, I've told you that it's best to take the B family together because they are interdependent? There are several Bs that help maintain proper heart function. Each has a specific action, and by working as a team, they are much more effective and efficient. B6 is one of the team.
We don't hear much about Vitamin B 5 or pantothenic acid. However, it's important to your health and wholeness in a wide variety of ways. Without it, you will have difficulty digesting and getting the good from protein, carbs or carbohydrates as well as fats. That touches all of the real food that you eat.
Every food or nutrient has a huge repertoire of things it does in and for the body. They all break down into natural chemicals. The body recognizes these but does not always know what to do with the synthetic ones in processed foods. It will try to detox them, but some get stored in fat. That can create toxic reactions down the road.
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