Washington, D.C. - In what is at least the third major reversal on energy, the Harris Campaign now says Vice President Kamala Harris no longer favors a ban on plastic straws. When running for President in 2019, Harris clearly stated “I think we should, yes,” when asked if she would ban straws. Now, similar to the pattern adopted by her other major policy reversals, the new stance is not mentioned by the Vice President herself, but instead by a campaign staffer in a statement.

“Will the real Kamala Harris please stand up? These are major policy reversals that will impact millions of families so we deserve to know the reasons behind why Kamala Harris can’t seem to go more than a week without a major flip-flop,” said Daniel Turner, Founder and Executive Director for Power The Future. “Cowardly hiding behind campaign staff statements tells us all we need to know: if elected, Kamala Harris will do nothing but hide from major decisions.”

Previously, Vice President Harris reversed her previous positions on fracking and electric vehicle mandates.

Power The Future is a 501c4 non-profit dedicated to fighting for American energy workers.

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