Washington, D.C. - Last year was a record-breaking year for car thefts in the United States according to the National Insurance Crime Bureau, but apparently electric vehicles aren’t on the most wanted list. According to the latest report, there were over 1 million vehicles stolen in 2023, setting another record after 2022, with 4 of 6 the least preferred vehicles being EVs.

“It’s not just consumers who are turning up their noses at EVs - even the criminals can’t be bothered to steal them, and who can blame them,” said Daniel Turner, Founder and Executive Director for Power The Future. “EVs are expensive, unreliable and confusing — not to mention heavier and more damaging to roads and infrastructure than their traditional counterparts. In the ultimate cutting off the nose to spite the face, if Kamala Harris wants to get serious about cracking down on crime, her EV mandate might just be the way to go."

Despite massive taxpayer subsidies and mandates from the Biden-Harris Administration, electric vehicle sales in 2023 totaled less than 8 percent.

Power The Future is a 501c4 non-profit dedicated to fighting for American energy workers.

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