Washington, D.C. - Power The Future today released a new report examining two energy bills that are being considered by the Ohio legislature, S.B. 2 and H.B. 15, that will, as currently drafted, make it harder to reliably and affordably meet growing energy demand in the state, support economic growth, and advance President Trump’s American energy agenda. As the report notes:

While the legislation’s sponsors claim their intent is to modernize Ohio’s energy regulatory framework and adhere to free-market principles, enactment would introduce significant risks that could destabilize the electrical system underpinning the state’s economic success. Worse, it would serve to benefit solar and wind projects with no actual business plan of how to deliver electricity to consumers, heavily subsidized by Biden-era tax credits and incentives, at the expense of Ohio natural gas-fired generation.”

By removing cost-recovery certainty and forcing utilities to compete in a market unfairly tilted in favor of renewables backed by Biden-era federal subsidies, these bills would impose upon Ohioans energy policies that have led to grid instability, blackouts, and higher energy prices in other states.

Read the full report here.

Power The Future is a 501c4 non-profit dedicated to fighting for American energy workers.

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