Washington, D.C. - In a nationally-televised interview tonight, Vice President Kamala Harris offered her first in-person responses since becoming a nominee for President. During that time, the Harris Campaign has relied on statements from staffers as proof Harris is changing her positions on critical issues. Tonight for the first time, Harris attempted to answer for herself about her reversals on support for a fracking ban and her sponsorship of the Green New Deal. In response, Daniel Turner, Founder and Executive Director for Power The Future, issued the following statement:

”If Kamala Harris can so quickly reject her firm energy positions from the past, there is no telling how quickly she’ll renounce today’s positions in the future. Just like Vice President Harris abandoned her support for Joe Biden after telling the American people he was perfectly fine, she will abandon any position she pretends to have now. Harris is bankrolled by green billionaires who want to ensure the funding of their pet projects continue, so it’s beyond clear that she doesn’t care about the truth of her energy positions, she cares only about keeping the tax dollars flowing.”

Power The Future has produced a video of the positions Kamala Harris now claims are no longer accurate. 

Power The Future is a 501c4 non-profit dedicated to fighting for American energy workers.

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