By Mike Bibb

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Remember when environmentalists and Democrats were constantly shouting the evils and ultimate destruction of planet Earth by the continued use of fossil fuels — namely petroleum and coal?

First, they called it Global Cooling. Later, the chant was switched to Global Warming. Then, someone decided to simply combine the two confusing terms into an all-inclusive Climate Change chorus. Which, I guess, can mean different things to different people at different times. Depending upon which way the academic and political winds are blowing.

Anyway, life, as we know it, would soon be submerged beneath the waves of rising seas, provoked by our unrestrained atmospheric heating and melting of polar ice, combined with drifting clouds of odious cow farts.

For some reason, other countries are not as guilty of these sins as us. Must have something to do with my clunky '82 Chevrolet. I've been meaning to replace the six worn piston rings for a couple of years.

Nevertheless, the thinking goes, the nation's capital would be forced to flee the swamp to higher ground — Denver, maybe — to escape the catastrophe; the greatest flood since Noah strip logged local cypress forests to build his big boat.

God instructed Noah to load it with all kinds of animals and birds and a good supply of soap and deodorant for the family. There would be plenty of water available to bathe, but shower and laundry cleansers should be used sparingly, as they had to last for a few months. Or until things began to dry out.

In those days large wooden boats were called arks, and folks made fun of Noah's folly — until it started to rain.

I can find no mention in the Bible if the flood was brought on by excessive CO2 pollutants, melting ice and cow farts. Suppose it might have been possible, depending upon the reliability of weather forecasters and government cattle inspectors.

"Wow, if only we had electric cars to reduce CO2 emissions, we might have a chance to make it to the next decade" the Greens beg.

Wait, we do have electric cars. A lot of them are built by the same guy who is telling us the government is too fat, overly pricey and not very competent.

What does this dude know about competency and costs? Oh, that's right, he just happens to have become one of the richest persons around by conceiving and building stuff that's cost efficient and environmentally friendly.

Until a few days ago, Elon Musk was a knight in shining armor, unselfishly saying and doing things beneficial to the rich and poor alike.

Except, in Dems' eyes he's suddenly become the Joker by reminding everyone how expensive, lazy and corrupt the federal government has gotten. That it spends five times more money than it should and can never seem to balance its checkbook.

As a result, environmental meatheads are firebombing his electric cars, burning his charging stations, shooting at his dealerships and yelling what a scoundrel he is because he has the balls to point out the obvious: Government is totally out of control and sinking deeper and deeper into a financial quagmire.

National bankruptcy seems eminent if things aren't soon reversed. A $37 trillion debt, with nearly a trillion-dollar annual interest charge cannot be sustained forever.

The piper will be paid. It's just a matter of how much and when?

This isn't new news — it just hasn't been brought to the public's attention in such a dramatic way. Primarily, we've been kept in the dark so long by a seemingly complicit media that appears more influenced by party ideologies than taking the time to actually report the evidence and carryings-on of Washington's Congress and insiders.

The fact Democrats appear to have completely flipped on their environmental Green New Deal since Elon — the principal promotor and maker of non-pollutant spewing electric vehicles — simply reminded them how wacky their thinking has become by encouraging and demanding a continuance of the same tried and failed government policies and programs that have brought us to the edge of financial failure.

It's "Not rocket science," although Musk knows a little about that, too. It's just common sense that we cannot keep taxing, borrowing, spending; taxing, borrowing, spending; taxing, borrowing, spending; taxing, borrowing, spending indefinitely and expect things to improve.

Clearly, that approach is not working, and hasn't in 40-50 years. Things have only gotten worse, to the point new homes cost several hundred thousand dollars, used cars sell for tens of thousands of dollars, and a candy bar goes for about two bucks — or more.

Our leaders should have figured this budget plan was broken after the first $10 trillion of indebtedness.

They didn't, nor did they when the account hit minus $20 trillion, then minus $30 trillion. Unlike climate change enthusiasts setting fire to Tesla cars to save a bloated bureaucracy, the rest of us can't simply burn down the banks to avoid a long overdue bill.

The sooner folks realize this, the sooner we can get back on the road to a sane recovery. That is, if we still have time.