Proponents of critical race theory will tell you all they care about is relating an accurate picture of history. They want to relate to students the actual history of how minorities were treated in this country, primarily by white people. On its face, that sounds good. Who doesn't want an accurate depiction of history to be taught to our children? But as with most things that the radical progressives promote, that is not their real agenda. All you have do is look at the practical application of their stated agenda.

Like many people, I have read a lot of the legislation, lesson plans, and reviewed many of the books that would be used to accomplish their goal. That includes the proposal put together but our current Lieutenant governor in New Mexico. What those documents stated did add some historical facts and information that likely was not being taught on a significant basis in our schools. But as with most proposed plans to promote critical race theory, it's clear that their only goal is to divide us into two groups: the oppressed and their oppressors. They can only do that by omitting significant events in history.

This is a story of the other thing many of us are somewhat familiar with. Critical race theory proponents well ignore the truth about the African slave trade, that Africans were the ones capturing and selling the slaves to others or that the Arabic community were the largest slave traders in the world. They will also ignore the fact that blacks in America also owned slaves. These people will also tell you that the claim of Irish slaves in America is a myth. Do a simple Google search and the first few entries explain that it is a myth.

As I got into my truck earlier this week, I began listening to a discussion on the urban channel on SiriusXM. They were talking about a college professor in Massachusetts I believe who had been suspended for attempting to introduce a book about the Irish slave trade into a history class. I checked out the book and several others which clearly document that for a period of over 150 years, Irish slaves outnumbered African slaves significantly. It told the story of how Irish men women and children were put into irons and onto ships for the journey to the new world. Were they were sold in the exact same manner that African slaves were sold.

The progressives have mounted a campaign as they have done a number of times to destroy the professor for wanting to tell the truth. The most frequent method used to discredit the history of Irish slaves is to claim that they were actually indentured servants. No doubt some of them were but historical records prove that many of them were not. Their being indentured servants did not protect them from becoming slaves. A court case that is described as confirming the legality of slavery in the new world involved a black man refusing to allow an Irish man out of his indentured servant contract. The gist of the decision was that despite the apparent completion of the contract by the Irishman, the property owner did not have to let him enjoy the benefits that the contract promised and could keep him in that position indefinitely. That is known as slavery.

This is just another of the many situations in which people claiming to want to accomplish a laudable goal have no such intention. Their sole purpose is to divide us so that they can solidify their power over us. They can indoctrinate our children into believing that this is the worst country in the world. In fact, in a related story, social media has exploded with people in the LGBQT+ community expressing their desire to convert to Islam. These ignorant mouth breathers gush over certain passages in the Quran. That's another story for another day, but it proves those trying to destroy us by indoctrinating our children with 'educational' systems like CRT, are succeeding.

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