David Pakman was on the Will Cain show recently. David hosts a podcast on his own website. He is a perfect example of how the far left will twist things so much that reality becomes a pretzel. Don't believe your lying eyes must be the primary principle by which he conducts his life. Will invited David on his show because the left has decided to portray Donald Trump as cognitively deficient. I guess the whole criminal angle is failing.

David's lone offer of proof is that trump paused for 35 seconds during a recent speech. This is clear evidence that he did not know where he was. He forgot what he was doing. Ultimately something in his brain reengaged and he continued speaking. The video clip of the incident doesn't give me that impression although neither is there a clear reason as to why Trump stop speaking for that length of time. There wasn't anything going on with the audience for example nor was there any apparent malfunction with the audio system.

Will asked David if he had any other examples that demonstrated his conclusion about the possibility that Donald Trump suffered from any sort of age related mental deficiency. His response was typical; it's obvious that he's suffering from mental deficiencies and if you can't see it then you are blinded by your love of Trump. Even when Will asked him to open his eyes with specific examples, David would not respond to the question.

Will then pointed to the hundreds of examples of Joe Biden's cognitive issues, most recently claiming that he was Vice-president during the pandemic. Or that his relative was eaten by cannibals. He also offered to play video of Joe walking off stage in the middle of a speech or the debacle of a joint press conference this week with the President of Kenya. David wouldn't even acknowledge those specific examples saying that it's normal for anyone that speaks that often to have a few gaffes here and there.

Typical of those that throw allegations at the wall to see what will stick, he changed the discussion. He began turning the tables on Will claiming 'his network' is saying Joe Biden may be suffering from dementia or a similar ailment and might even be taking medication. Will acknowledge that many people across all networks have wondered if Joe Biden suffers from dementia, a fact David denied and claimed didn't happen.

In a very revealing moment, David asked Will if he was aware of what was being said on his network's morning show. Going on without allowing Will to respond he said that the claim is made that Joe Biden is taking some type of drug. Will was able to respond by telling David that he knows very well what is going on at Fox's morning show because Will is a cohost of the show. As David tried to talk over him, Will pointed out that David Hegseth had indeed asked if it was possible that Joe Biden was taking some type of drug. Pakman continued to say Will made statements about Joe Biden taking Adderall or Ritalin. The truth did not matter to David.

The behavior continued throughout most of the rest of the interview. But it is typical of the liberals who cannot win an argument on merits. Who hate to have anything said about their opinions, policies, or politicians they support that is viewed as negative, no matter how truthful or factual those statements are. They will project the weaknesses of their positions up on others. They will scream so loudly and say things so confidently that the uninformed will believe they are telling the truth. People will even begin to question what they are seeing themselves and that is exactly what the left wants to happen.

As I have said many times one of the undeniable truths in my world is that we do not want to believe someone will blatantly lie to us no matter how many times they may have done it before. The progressive left has learned this lesson well and used it to their advantage. That is why we need to keep engaging with them in the same manner that Will Cain has done. That is why we need to keep speaking out and encouraging people to never accept someone else's opinions or even statements of fact. Question everything used to be the mantra of the left, now it needs to be the principle by which we evaluate what we are being told. Unless I'm saying something of course.

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