Everyone is aware that this election will have significant and profound consequences for the future of this nation. Installation of Kamala Harris as the leader of this country will take us in a direction that will fundamentally change our nation from a Republic with a free market economy to a communist dictatorship. Donald Trump on the other hand would more likely lead us back towards the nation that we used to be. But when I asked the question, are we headed for a total collapse? I'm not necessarily talking about the results of the election.
No matter who wins at the federal level there are going to be some profound changes. We all know that the cost of living has expanded exponentially in the last three years. Even if we do not subscribe to the conspiracy theory that these changes are being manipulated in order to make us dependent upon governmental entity, we are going to have to change the way we live. State and federal government agencies will be there to "help" us. Down payment assistance, universal guaranteed basic income, debt forgiveness, and other short term catastrophic bandaids will be floated. All of these will serve to increase inflation and of course dependency upon the government. Like an addict once you are hooked it is difficult to break the addiction.
In the industry in which I work, insurance, we are seeing fundamental changes that will profoundly affect people's ability to own a home. Governmental policies regarding forest management have driven us to the point that wildfire danger is so prevalent and severe that the likelihood of catastrophic loss is more probable than not. The cost of insurance is getting to the point that it is preventing people from being able to buy a home. And in some cases, no matter how much you are capable of paying or willing to pay, insurance is not available because of the high likelihood of a total loss occurring. The end result will be the advent of the 15-minute city, where people can rent properties at subsidized reasonable rental rates. Of course, pushing people into urban areas where they are more easily controlled.
Any business owner or manager will tell you that finding a reliable workforce is getting more difficult. The stories about younger people just not showing up because they don't feel like working are getting more frequent. They may miss two or three days then show up on the 4th day like nothing happened and expect they still have a job. Watching social media, snowflakes complaining about not being able to have a life because they have a 9- to-5 job are becoming commonplace. Artificial intelligence is going to replace a lot of the people in the workforce. There is hardly a job, especially in the white collar sector that cannot be done to a large extent by a computer. And don't think many blue collar jobs are exempt either. Watch the videos about robots building houses or cars. I was watching one the other day in which a robot was able to put up drywall, finish it, and paint it.
And of course who would not want more leisure time because the robots are doing the work that we don't necessarily want to do? But what does that society look like? It's not all unicorns and butterflies with the ability for us to hike, hunt, fish, play tennis or golf. Many of those activities will not be available. You see when people socialize, they have a chance to talk and for tyrants that's never a good thing.
The outcome of the federal election is crucial, but so is the outcome of state and local elections. We MUST be involved in our local communities. We must make our voices heard. As we come together more and shape our local policies and communities, that will roll over to state and federal policies. The consequences of failing to do so are either violent civil war or harsh totalitarianism. Neither is an acceptable option.