As we celebrate another Fourth of July holiday, I had anticipated writing a column celebrating the ideals and principles upon which this nation was founded. But as is the case with any person writing something, sometimes the motivation or mood just is not there. Don't get me wrong, I love our country and the principles upon which it was founded. But watching the puppeteers successfully convincing people to run down a path that will destroy our country is depressing. Some days, it's difficult to write something positive. I'll take a break and head down the road to something a bit more amusing. People watching.

A man and woman, both in their early 30s had been dating for about 3 years. Everyone said they were perfect for each other. They knew that one day they would get married. When he told her they had reservations at a fancy, expensive restaurant, she just knew that he was going to pop the question. She was giddy and couldn't contain her excitement as the day approached. She had been married before and it ended badly. But this man was so different, he was perfect in every way.

They both dressed in their best outfits. She wondered how he was going to propose, a ring in a champagne glass or maybe in a cake. However he was going to do it, she was sure it would be memorable. Her excitement built as the dinner progressed. As the main course came to a conclusion, he steered the conversation to discussing how they'd been together for some time and how happy he was with their relationship. She just knew what was coming next.

And then, without any fanfare, not even dropping to one knee, he asked her the question that he'd been waiting to ask for quite some time. Would she like to have a threesome? Wait, what?! Would she like to spice things up in the bedroom, he asked. She was not only devastated that THE question wasn't asked but he clearly had not listened to her story about why her first message ended. Her first husband had asked the same question, multiple times and her answer was always an emphatic no! He then had a threesome with 2 women. See ladies, guys don't listen.

Story #2. A young man and woman, 24 & 23, had dated since senior year in high school. To friends and family, they were the perfect couple, destined to create a wonderful life with each other. Friends and family on both sides loved both of them. Her dad had died when she was young and her mom raised her alone, dating now and then but never anything serious. The couple spent a lot of time with her and her little brother.

The little brother was 3 years old. The product of what her mom called an 'oopsie' moment with a man that was younger and not husband or father material. She loved her brother and so did her fiance. He was like a big brother to the youngster.

Then one day, as she they were binging movies on Netflix, he handed her the iPad to find a new movie. There she found old text messages between her fiance and her mom. They were discussing if they should tell her what happened between them while she was out of town. She was devastated and immediately confronted her fiance.

He admitted to having slept with her mom when she was out of town on a girls' trip. Then 2 or 3 more times when they got together to discuss whether or not they should admit what happened. It was on one of those times that mom got pregnant. They never slept together again and decided, obviously, not to tell her. She of course left him immediately and cut off contact with her mother.

I think she missed a fantastic opportunity. In our society today, she could have created the next hit reality show. Can you imagine the popularity of a show where the happy couple's kids are half-siblings to her little brother. The husband slept with the mom? That's MTV nirvana. They'd be rich and famous. Heck, they could even bring in the guy from our first story to spice things up.

Kind of amusing but also a sad commentary on where we are as a society.